2024-2025 VEX TAIWAN OPEN V5RC 靜心高中邀請賽
- 日期
- 6-Oct-2024 Add to Calendar
- 赛事编号
- RE-V5RC-24-6106
- 组别
- VEX V5 Robotics Competition
- 赛事类型
- Tournament
- Event Format
- In-Person Invitational
- Field Control System
- Smart Field Control
- 容量
- 21
- 可用名额
- 0
- Event Region
- Chinese Taipei
- Standard Registration Opens
- 11-Aug-2024 00:00 EDT
- Registration Deadline
- 5-Sep-2024 23:59 EDT
- Payment Deadline
- 5-Sep-2024 23:00 EDT
- 价格
- This event currently has no spaces available.
- It is past the registration deadline.
※This event is invitational※
VEX TAIWAN OPEN V5RC 競賽旨在增進臺灣地區VEX V5機器人教育推廣,提高臺灣學生接軌世界STEM教育機器人賽事機會。通過全球性優秀教育與競賽平台,培養學生設計及編程機器人的STEM素養,增進對於STEM及機器人教育的興趣,養成運算思維,具備團隊合作及真正解決問題的能力。
VEX TAIWAN OPEN V5RC competition aims to promote VEX V5 robot education in Taiwan and improve the chances of Taiwan students connecting to the world STEM educational robots. Through the global excellent education and competition platform, we will cultivate the STEM quality of students' design and programming robots, enhance their interest in STEM and robot education, develop computing thinking, and work together and solve problems.
若您有任何關於賽事的詢問,歡迎來信[email protected]詢問。
If you have any questions regarding the event, contact us at [email protected].
年级: 全部
提供机器人技能挑战赛: 是
Judging Format: No Judging
Event Dates & Locations
日期: 6-Oct-2024
Taipei, 116
Contact the Event Partner
You must login to contact this Event PartnerCode of Conduct
The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.
For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.
The agenda is subject to change prior to the event.
08:00-09:40 報到與驗機
Check-in/Registration/Inspection -
09:40-09:55 開幕式
Opening Ceremony -
09:55-10:25 領隊會議
Team Leader Meeting -
10:25-10:35 公布賽程
Match Announcement -
10:35-11:15 練習賽、技能賽
Practice Matches, Skill Matches -
11:15-12:00 資格賽、技能賽
Qualification Matches, Skill Matches -
12:00-13:00 午餐
Lunch -
13:00-16:00 資格賽、技能賽
Qualification Matches, Skill Matches -
16:00-16:20 聯隊選配
Alliance Selection -
16:20-17:25 淘汰賽
Elimination Matches -
17:25-17:40 頒獎與大合照
Awards Ceremony -
17:40~ 賦歸
If you are interested in volunteering for the event, please fill out the registration form! We will provide you with a service hour certificate.
2024-2025 VEX TAIWAN OPEN 教育型機器人系列賽事【志工報名】:https://forms.gle/CVnX6eLYix3B82Ks5
惡劣天氣政策 Bad Weather Policy:
All competition venues are indoor. In the event of a natural disaster such as a typhoon, earthquake, severe weather, etc., causing the organizer to be unable to hold the event as scheduled, the organizer reserves the right to cancel, change the date, or change the venue of the event at any time.
Refund and Payment Policies
1.付款政策 Payment Policies:
- 於 RobotEvents.com 賽事頁面報名後,需至VTO賽隊管理系統填寫資料及繳費,方完成所有報名程序。
After registering on the RobotEvents.com event page, teams must proceed to the VTO Team Management System to complete the registration process by providing information and making payment.
- RobotEvents.com僅收取賽隊註冊費用,賽事報名費用請至以下表單連結 :2024-2025 VTO賽隊付款回填表單。
RobotEvents.com only charges team registration fees. For event registration, please visit the following form link: Remittance Forms.
2.退款政策 Refund Policies:
- 不退款。No refund.
Judging Format
No Judging.