MCPSS JROTC Aerial Drone Competition #1
"Operation Gravity - Newton's Law"
- 日期
- 16-Jan-2025 Add to Calendar
- 赛事编号
- RE-ADC-25-9723
- 组别
- Aerial Drone Competition
- 赛事类型
- Tournament
- Field Control System
- N/A
- 容量
- 36
- 可用名额
- 13
- Event Region
- Southeast
- Standard Registration Opens
- 13-Jan-2025 00:05 EST
- Registration Deadline
- 15-Jan-2025 00:05 EST
- Payment Deadline
- 13-Jan-2025 12:00 EST
- 价格
- It is past the registration deadline.
REC Foundation Aerial Drone Competitions have four missions: (1) Teamwork Mission, (2) Autonomous Flight Mission, (3) Piloting Mission, and (4) Communications Mission. There is no charge for participation in the drone competition but there are team registration fees to compete for the season. (MCPSS DAI paid for 2 Drone Crews)
Competition Preparation
This event is sure to be fast-paced and exciting. All teams should come prepared for the competition. Here are a few steps that every team should take to ensure that they are prepared:
1. Review the rules and run through the inspection checklist about a week before the competition so your team has ample time for adjustments. The inspection checklist and other competition documents can be found on the Documents tab.
2. Pack for the event the day before, and remember to bring the following:
Drone and remote
Goggles/Safety Glasses
Spare parts & tools
Batteries and chargers
Programming cable
Power strip
Laptop computer
Competition Logbook
3. Remember that safety comes first.
NO flying outside of designated areas.
The first violation of this will remove you from judged awards.
The second violation will result in asking the team to leave.
Please don't bring tools that pose a safety risk to your team or others nearby.
4. Each player and coach/mentor must have a completed and signed Participation and Consent Form. These can be completed online or physical copies can be completed and uploaded to the coach's Robot Events account for each team. These need to be completed and/or uploaded before the event.The Participant Release Forms are available under the Documents tab for this event.
Competition Documents
Be sure to look at the documents located in the Documents tab of the event posting. Included are the inspection forms and judging rubrics.
Southeast Region
This event is located in the Southeast Region which includes:
USA: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Please note: Only teams that are a part of the Southeast Region are eligible to earn invitations to Regional Championships from this event. If your team is from outside this region, you may attend the event and will be eligible to earn awards and post scores to the global skills rankings, but will not be eligible to qualify for a Regional Championship from this event.
年级: High School
提供机器人技能挑战赛: 是
Judging Format: 全现场评审
Eligible Teams: JROTC Army, JROTC Coast Guard, JROTC Navy
Event Dates & Locations
日期: 16-Jan-2025
会场/地点:5450 Lott Road
Eight Mile, Alabama 36613
United States
Contact the Event Partner
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0800 Check-in
0830 Inspections
0900 - 1330 Competition (Teamwork, Piloting, Autonomous Missions)
MCPSS and Area Schools Cadre
LTC Thomas will make weather call, in case of inclement weather, nlt 0600 on 16 Jan.
Refund and Payment Policies
This is a free event.
0 teams are on the waitlist for this event.