
Match replays are allowed, but rare. Match replays (i.e., playing a Match over again from its start) must be agreed upon by both the Event Partner and Head Referee, and will only be issued in the most extreme circumstances. Some example situations that may warrant a Match replay are as follows:
  • Match Affecting “field fault” issues. Game Elements not starting in the correct positions. Tape lines lifting. Field Elements detaching or moving beyond normal tolerances (not as a result of Robot interactions). The Autonomous Period or Driver Controlled Period ending early. Field control disconnecting or disabling Robots. Note, this is sometimes confused with a Robot whose motors have overheated, or bent pins on a controller’s competition port causing intermittent drop-outs. In general, any true field fault will impact both Alliances simultaneously, not one Robot at a time.
  • Match Affecting game rule issues. Head Referee disables a Robot for a misinterpretation of a rule Violation. Head Referee starts the Driver Controlled Period of the Match without determining the outcome of the Autonomous Period winner. The field is reset before a score is determined.
  • Note: Beginning with the 2024 VEX World Championship, the V5 white screen error is no longer a permitted cause for a replay. More information about this error can be found here.