
Robots at the field must be ready to play. If a Team brings their Robot to the field, it must be prepared to play (i.e., batteries charged, sized within the starting size constraint, displaying only the correct Alliance-color license plates, etc.).
  • Teams who use VEX pneumatics must have their systems charged before they place the Robot on the field.
  • Robots must be placed on the field promptly. Repeated failure to do so could result in a violation of <G1>. The exact definition of the term “promptly” is at the discretion of the Head Referee and Event Partner, who will consider event schedule, previous warnings or delays, etc.
  • If a Robot is delaying the scheduled start of a Match, it may be removed from the field at the discretion of the Head Referee and Event Partner. A Drive Team Member may remain at the field so that the Team does not get assessed a “no-show” (per <T5>).