
Stay out of your opponent’s Goal unless they are Double-Zoned. During the time when an Alliance meets the definition of Double-Zoning, opposing Robots are permitted to “break the plane” of the Double-Zoning Alliance’s Goal, such as to remove Triballs.
  • This allowance ends once the Alliance is no longer Double-Zoning (i.e., when one or both of the Robots has returned to the other side of the field or contacted the Long Barrier).
  • Entering an opponent’s Goal at any other time is prohibited. This includes staying inside of an opponent’s Goal after they end their Double-Zone status.
  • This rule applies to both intentional and unintentional interactions. Teams are responsible for the actions of their own Robots.
  • This rule only applies during the Driver Controlled Period. Entering an opponent’s Goal is not permitted at any time during the Autonomous Period.
  • If an Alliance has only one Robot present, then that Alliance can never meet the definition of Double-Zoning, and therefore its Goal is never open for opponent interactions.
  • Violation Notes: Attempting to remove Triballs from an opponent’s Goal is an intentional and inherently defensive action. Therefore, <G14> will apply to these interactions, and the offensive Alliance will always receive the “benefit of the doubt” in the case of any close judgment calls between opposing Robots.
    Significant Q&As:
  • 1554 - Robot is in Violation if Double-Zoning ends while in the opponent’s Goal
  • 1570 - A Robot that is not in contact with the field tiles cannot be Double-Zoned
  • 1594 - A Robot touching both Offensive Zones counts toward Double-Zoning
  • 1690 - Contacting the outside of the Goal risks a judgment-based Violation call
  • 1830 - Triballs descored during an SG8 Violation may be a DQ if Match Affecting

  • Figure 29: One Robot from each Alliance in their respective Offensive Zones; Triballs in Goals are safe.

    Figure 30: Both Red Robots are in the Blue Offensive Zone; Red Goal is open for de-scoring by a Blue Robot.

    Figure 31: Both Red Robots are in the Red Offensive Zone; Red Goal is open for de-scoring by a Blue Robot.

    Figure 32: A Red Robot is contacting the Long Barrier; the Red Alliance is NOT Double-Zoning, therefore Triballs in Goals are safe.