A Triball is considered Scored in a Goal if it meets the following criteria: The Triball is not contacting a Robot of the same color Alliance as the Goal. At least two (2) corners of the Triball are within the Goal (i.e., are under the Net and have “broken the plane” of the outer edge of the PVC pipes that define the Goal volume).
Note: A Triball that is considered Scored in a Goal is not also considered Scored in that Goal’s Offensive Zone.
Figure 23: All of these Triballs would be considered as Scored, because two or more of the “Corners” are within the boundary of the Goal.
Figure 24: The green highlighted Triball would be considered as Scored, because 2 or more of the “Corners” are within the boundary of the Goal. The red highlighted Triball would not be considered as Scored, because only one “corner” is within the boundary.