Electrical power comes from VEX batteries only. Robots may use one (1) V5 Robot Battery (276-4811) to power the V5 Robot Brain. No other sources of electrical power are permitted, unless used as part of a non-functional decoration per <R8e>. There are no legal power expanders for the V5 Robot Battery. V5 Robot Batteries may only be charged by a V5 Robot Battery Charger (276-4812 or 276-4841). V5 Wireless Controllers may only be powered by their internal rechargeable battery. Teams are permitted to have an external power source (such as a rechargeable battery pack) plugged into their V5 Controller during a Match, provided that this power source is connected safely and does not violate any other rules, such as <G10> or <R14>. Some events may choose to provide field power for V5 Wireless Controllers. If this is provided for all Teams at the event, then this is a legal power source for the wireless remotes.