
Loading differences. All criteria listed in <SG4> and <SG5> apply as written (e.g., no more than two Balls on the Field, Robots may not be in the Load Zone during Loading, etc.). However, Rapid Loading is modified as follows:
  • Starting Zone 2 (i.e., the one closest to the Loading Station) is the only Starting Zone that may be used for Rapid Loading.
  • In Driving Skills Matches, the Rapid Load Period is defined as any time after the mid-Match Driver switch takes place.
  • In Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, the entire Match is considered a Rapid Load Period (i.e., there is no requirement to use the Loading Station). Clause ā€œDā€ of <SG3> does not apply in Autonomous Coding Skills Matches.
  • Note: In both Driving Skills Matches and Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, any Driver who is not currently operating the Robot may also serve as a Loader (i.e., a Team may have two Loaders at any given time). Significant Q&As:
  • 2021 - All 3 Drive Team Members may serve as Loaders in Autonomous Coding Skills Matches