Loading differences. All criteria listed in <SG4> and <SG5> apply as written (e.g., no more than two Balls on the Field, Robots may not be in the Load Zone during Loading, etc.). However, Rapid Loading is modified as follows: Starting Zone 2 (i.e., the one closest to the Loading Station) is the only Starting Zone that may be used for Rapid Loading. In Driving Skills Matches, the Rapid Load Period is defined as any time after the mid-Match Driver switch takes place. In Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, the entire Match is considered a Rapid Load Period (i.e., there is no requirement to use the Loading Station). Clause āDā of <SG3> does not apply in Autonomous Coding Skills Matches. Note: In both Driving Skills Matches and Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, any Driver who is not currently operating the Robot may also serve as a Loader (i.e., a Team may have two Loaders at any given time). Significant Q&As: 2021 - All 3 Drive Team Members may serve as Loaders in Autonomous Coding Skills Matches