
Teams are ranked by their average Qualification Match scores.
  • When in a tournament, every Team will be ranked based on the same number of Qualification Matches. For tournaments that have more than 1 division, Teams will be ranked among all Teams in their specific division. Each division will have its own set of Finals Matches. The winners of each division will then have an overall event Finals. Any multi-division event must be approved by the REC Foundation EEM/RSM prior to the event, and divisions must be assigned in sequential order by Team number.
  • When in a league, every Team will be ranked based on the number of Matches played. Teams that participate in less than 60% of the total Matches available will be ranked below Teams that participate in at least 60% of the total Matches available (e.g., if the league offers 3 ranking sessions with 4 Qualification Matches per Team, Teams that participate in 8 or more Matches will be ranked higher than Teams who participate in 7 or fewer Matches). Being a no-show to a Match that a Team is scheduled in still constitutes participation for these calculations.
  • A certain number of a Team’s lowest Qualification Match scores will be excluded from the rankings based on the quantity of Qualification Matches each Team plays. Excluded scores do not affect participation for leagues.
    Number of Qualification Matches per Team
    Number of excluded Match scores
    Between four (4) and seven (7)
    Between eight (8) and eleven (11)
    Between twelve (12) and fifteen (15)
    Sixteen (16) or more
  • In some cases, a Team will be asked to play an additional Qualification Match. The extra Match will be identified on the Match Schedule with an asterisk and will not impact the Team’s ranking (or participation for leagues). Teams are reminded that <G1> is always in effect and Teams are expected to behave as if the additional Qualification Match counted.
  • Ties in Team ranking are broken by: Removing the Team’s lowest score and comparing the new average score. Removing the Team’s next lowest score and comparing the new average score (on through all scores). If the Teams are still tied, the Teams will be sorted by random electronic draw.