
Loading during the Rapid Load Period. During the last fifteen (15) seconds of the Match, Loaders have the option to introduce Balls directly onto the Starting Zone (i.e., without using the Loading Station).
  • Clauses “A” and “B” of <SG4> must still be satisfied during the Rapid Load Period.
  • Rapid Load Balls must be placed in a stationary position, and must be released by the Loader directly onto the Floor inside a Starting Zone before being contacted by a Robot.
  • Balls may never be in contact with both a Robot and a human Loader at the same time.
  • Rapid Load Balls may only be removed from the Starting Zone by a Robot action (e.g., picked up by an intake, pushed by a moving Robot, etc.). Rapid Load Balls must be placed on the Field and cannot be bounced or rolled by a Loader). See Note 2 below.
  • Rapid Load Balls are not eligible to receive credit for Passes.
  • The human Loader may not contact the Floor while introducing the Match Load (e.g., cannot step into or place a hand on the Floor to reach the center of the Field).”
  • If a Ball is Rapid Loaded improperly, the Ball must be retrieved by a Drive Team Member or referee, given to a Loader, and re-Loaded legally before it may be retrieved by a Robot.
  • Note: Although it is not required, Robots are highly recommended to remain some distance away from the Ball entirely until the Loader’s hand has clearly been removed. This will make clauses “B” and “C” abundantly clear to Head Referees, and help them to verify clauses “A” and “D”. Note 2: The revised intent of this rule is that the human Loader should not impart any motion to a Rapid Load Ball. However, because Balls are round, it is possible that they may move slightly after being placed by the Loader. This incidental and unintentional motion is acceptable, and there is no need to retrieve and reload the Ball in this scenario.
    Violation Notes:
  • Teams are responsible for their own actions. Violations that involve a Loader and Robot from opposite Teams will be given to both Teams.
  • It is expected that most Violations of this rule will be accidental. In accidental cases that end up being Score Affecting (i.e., an illegally-Loaded Ball scores a Goal), the first occurrence during a Qualification Match may be treated as a Minor Violation and a “final warning” for any future Violations.
  • Score Affecting Violations during a Finals Match (accidental and intentional) must be treated as a Major Violation.
  • Repeated, intentional, or egregious Violations may escalate to a Major Violation at the Head Referee’s discretion. One example of an egregious Violation would be placing a Ball directly onto a Robot without ever contacting the Floor.
  • Significant Q&As:
  • 2414 - A Rapid Load Ball can only leave the Starting Zone it’s entered into via a Robot action