
Using the Loading Station. Balls Loaded through the Loading Station must meet the following criteria:
  • No more than two (2) Balls may be in play at any one time (i.e., the next Ball should not be Loaded until a previous Ball is either scored or leaves the Field).
  • The Loader must be the last human to contact the Ball before it is released.
  • The Loader’s hand may not cross into the volume of the Loading Station at any time.
  • No Robot(s) may be in the Load Zone at the time the Ball is released by the Loader.
  • If a Ball is introduced improperly through the Loading Station, the Head Referee will verbally notify the Loader as soon as possible (e.g., “your hand crossed, load that one again”). The Ball must then be removed from the Load Zone by a Loader before it is retrieved by a Robot and legally Loaded again.
  • If a Ball is introduced improperly outside of the Loading Station (e.g., into the middle of the Field prior to the Rapid Load Period), the Ball must be retrieved by a Drive Team Member or referee and provided to a Loader.
  • Note: The legal edge of the Load Zone is on the side of the black line closest to the Loading Station. The other edge of the black line is intended to be a “warning zone.” Robots touching or breaking the plane of this line during a Load may receive a “close call” warning from the Head Referee. This warning is not a Violation, as long as the Robot never enters the Load Zone.

    Figure SG-4: This Robot is breaking the plane of the Loading Zone while the Ball is being entered. This Ball would need to be removed from the Loading Zone, and legally reintroduced.
    Violation Notes:
  • Most Violations which are not Score Affecting (i.e., where a Robot never retrieves the illegally Loaded Ball) are considered Minor Violations, even after repeated occurrences. The primary penalty is intended to be the Match time that is lost from retrieving and re-introducing the Ball.
  • Teams are responsible for their own actions. Violations will always be given to the Loader’s Team. Violations of point D where the Loader and Robot are from different Teams will be given to both Teams.
  • Robot contact with the Loading Station while a Ball is being Loaded is considered an egregious Violation of point D for the Robot’s Team, and is an exception to all previous notes. Repeated occurrences by the same Robot, even if not Score Affecting, may escalate to a Major Violation for that Robot’s Team at the Head Referee’s discretion.
  • Significant Q&As:
  • 2014 - There is a not a possession limit
  • 2032 - Loaders can toss the Ball from the Pickup Zone to the Loading Zone
  • 2052 - If the human Loader is no longer contacting a Ball that is being (or has been) Loaded, it is legal for a Robot to enter the Load Zone
  • 2083 - Loaders can load new ball immediately after current ball is Scored
  • 2168 - The Loader’s hand can cross into the Load Zone, but not the Loading Station
  • 2428 - The rules don’t prohibit attempts to influence which way a Ball falls, unless the Loading Station is damaged through excessive force