
Pre-match setup. At the beginning of a Match, the Robot must be placed such that it is:
  • Satisfying all constraints listed in <R4> (i.e., fully contained within one Starting Zone and no taller than 15”).
  • Contacting the inside of the Field Perimeter wall.
  • Contacting exactly one (1) Preload.
  • Completely stationary (i.e., no motors or other mechanisms in motion) until the Match timer starts. Pre-charging a pneumatic system (i.e., having the Pneumatic Pump running prior to the Match) is the only permitted exception to this rule.
  • Not occupying the same Starting Zone as the Alliance partner Robot.
  • There are no specific starting positions, as long as the above criteria are met. Per <T6>, Robots must arrive at the Field ready to play with minimal additional setup. Repeated delays may result in a Violation of <G1> and/or removal of the Robot from the current Match at the Head Referee’s discretion.
    Violation Notes:
  • Any Violation of clauses A, B, C, and/or E, will result in the Robot being removed from the Field prior to the start of the Match; rules <R3d> and <T6> will apply until the situation is corrected. They will not receive a Disqualification, but they will not be permitted to play in the Match.
  • For clause D, the first Violation by a Team should be recorded as a Minor Violation unless the Violation is egregious (e.g., beginning the Match more than 1-2 seconds early), and any additional Violations at that event should be recorded as Major Violations and a Disqualification.
  • Significant Q&As:
  • 2144 - A Preload can be contacting the inside and/or outside of a Robot, but can’t make the Robot exceed the size limits
  • 2146 - The Robot cannot overhang the Field Perimeter in its starting (or reset) position
  • 2157 - The Preload is not part of the Robot and does not have to be within the starting size limit
  • 2159 - There is not a rule against extending into the Pickup Zone, but Robots shouldn’t retrieve Balls from the Pickup Zone

  • Figure SG-1: Robots in a legal pre-Match starting position.