Pre-match setup. At the beginning of a Match, the Robot must be placed such that it is: Satisfying all constraints listed in <R4> (i.e., fully contained within one Starting Zone and no taller than 15”). Contacting the inside of the Field Perimeter wall. Contacting exactly one (1) Preload. Completely stationary (i.e., no motors or other mechanisms in motion) until the Match timer starts. Pre-charging a pneumatic system (i.e., having the Pneumatic Pump running prior to the Match) is the only permitted exception to this rule. Not occupying the same Starting Zone as the Alliance partner Robot. There are no specific starting positions, as long as the above criteria are met. Per <T6>, Robots must arrive at the Field ready to play with minimal additional setup. Repeated delays may result in a Violation of <G1> and/or removal of the Robot from the current Match at the Head Referee’s discretion. Violation Notes:
Any Violation of clauses A, B, C, and/or E, will result in the Robot being removed from the Field prior to the start of the Match; rules <R3d> and <T6> will apply until the situation is corrected. They will not receive a Disqualification, but they will not be permitted to play in the Match. For clause D, the first Violation by a Team should be recorded as a Minor Violation unless the Violation is egregious (e.g., beginning the Match more than 1-2 seconds early), and any additional Violations at that event should be recorded as Major Violations and a Disqualification. Significant Q&As: 2144 - A Preload can be contacting the inside and/or outside of a Robot, but can’t make the Robot exceed the size limits 2146 - The Robot cannot overhang the Field Perimeter in its starting (or reset) position 2157 - The Preload is not part of the Robot and does not have to be within the starting size limit 2159 - There is not a rule against extending into the Pickup Zone, but Robots shouldn’t retrieve Balls from the Pickup Zone

Figure SG-1: Robots in a legal pre-Match starting position.