
Rapid Relay is designed to be scored in “real-time” as the Match is being played. Passes and Goals should be recorded at the time they occur. The preferred method to track real-time scoring is to use tablets or mobile devices running the TM Mobile app. If TM Mobile is unavailable, a portable scoreboard may be used by counting Passes on one side and Goals on the other.
Other scoring methods, such as the VIQRC Hub app or handheld “clicker counters,” are permitted but heavily discouraged. When possible, a method that displays the counts to competitors and spectators during the Match should always be used.
Each Match is required to have a Head Referee and at least one Scorekeeper Referee. Exact scoring processes may vary depending on a given event’s resources, and should be communicated to all Teams before Matches begin (e.g., during the Event Meeting). One recommended starting point is as follows:
  • The Scorekeeper Referee stands near the Goal Wall, and tracks Scored Balls.
  • The Head Referee stands mid-field, and tracks Passes.
  • Referees and Drivers confirm actions with each other as they occur through means determined before the Match, such as verbally or with hand signals. For example, Drivers call out “Pass!” and the Head Referee responds with “Pass - Check!” to confirm that it has been recorded, or a Drive Team Member gives a thumbs-up and receives a confirming thumbs-up from the referee.
  • When possible, two Scorekeeper Referees are preferred, so that the Head Referee can focus on the Match as a whole.
    This is a new way to play VIQRC! This rule may be updated to share any “best practices” that are found by early-season events.