An Alliance receives credit for a Pass once both Robots independently contact a Ball before it is Scored or leaves the Field. For the purposes of this rule, “independent contact” refers to a moment where only one Robot is contacting the Ball. If both Robots are contacting the Ball, this is not considered a Pass. Each time a Ball is Loaded, it is treated like a new Ball. Any previous Robot contact and/or Pass tracking is “reset.” A Ball can count for a maximum of one Pass each time it is Loaded through the Loading Station. Balls that are Rapid Loaded directly into a Starting Zone are not eligible for Passes. Each Preload Ball in a Teamwork Match can count for a maximum of one Pass. Note: If a referee sees a Pass occur and they are uncertain if it should be counted, Teams should receive the “benefit of the doubt” and the Pass should be recorded. This Note is primarily intended to apply to clauses “C” and “D” of this rule, e.g., if a referee is uncertain whether or not the Ball had been Rapid Loaded. Significant Q&As 2046 - A Ball can contact the Floor during a Pass 2050 - A Ball Loaded through the Loading Station during the Rapid Load Period is eligible for a Pass 2053 - Preloads are eligible for Passes 2108 - A Ball can count for a maximum of one Pass each time it is Loaded through the Loading Station 2305 - Clarification on what counts as independent contact 2361 - Even more clarification on what counts as independent contact