
Handling Robots during an Autonomous Coding Skills Match. A Team may handle their Robot as many times as desired during an Autonomous Coding Skills Match.
  • Upon handling the Robot, it must be immediately brought back to Starting Zone 2. Drive Team Members may reset or adjust the Robot as desired from this position, including pressing buttons on the Robot Brain or activating sensors. All Balls must be removed from the Robot and from the Field, and can be returned through the Loading Station or Rapid Loaded. As described in rule <S1>, Students cannot step into the Field at any time during a Match. If the Drive Team Members cannot reach the Robot due to the Robot being in the center of the Field, they may ask the Head Referee to pick up the Robot and hand it to the Drive Team Members for placement according to the conditions above.”
  • During an Autonomous Coding Skills Match, Drivers may move freely around the Field, and are not restricted to the Driver Station when not handling their Robot. The rest of <G8>, which states that Drive Team Members are not allowed to use any communication devices during their Match, still applies. An intent of this exception is to permit Drivers who wish to “stage” Robot handling during an Autonomous Coding Skills Match to do so without excessive running back and forth to the Driver Station.
  • This rule is an explicit exception to rule <G9> and the Violation Note for <G10>, and may be used as part of a Team’s strategy for Autonomous Coding Skills Matches. Driving Skills Matches are still governed by <G9> and the Violation Note for <G10>, especially for strategic violations.
    Significant Q&As:
  • 2141 - A Robot has to be returned to a legal starting position, including contacting the inside of the Field Perimeter wall, every time it is reset
  • 2232 - All Balls must be returned to Loaders during a Robot reset in an Autonomous Coding Skills Match
  • 2338 - The Robot can remain in the field during a reset in an Autonomous Coding Skills Match
  • 2406 - Missed shots in an Autonomous Coding Skills Match can only be retrieved by a human during a Robot reset
  • 2423 - Manually triggering a sensor is only allowed in an Autonomous Coding Skills Match to restart the Robot after a reset