
One Robot per Team. Only one (1) Robot will be allowed to participate per Team at a given event. Though it is expected that Teams will make changes to their Robots at the event, a Team is limited to only one (1) Robot, and a given Robot may only be used by one (1) Team. The VEX IQ system is intended to be a mobile robotics design platform. As such, a VEX IQ Robotics Competition Robot, for the purposes of the VEX IQ Robotics Competition, has the following subsystems:
  • Subsystem 1: Mobile robotic base including wheels, tracks, or any other mechanism that allows the Robot to navigate the majority of the flat playing Field surface. For a stationary Robot, the robotic base without wheels would be considered Subsystem 1.
  • Subsystem 2: Power and control system that includes a VEX IQ legal battery, a VEX IQ control system, and associated Smart Motors for the mobile robotic base.
  • Subsystem 3: Additional mechanisms (and associated Smart Motors) that allow manipulation of Balls or navigation/manipulation of Field Elements.
  • Given the above definitions, a minimum Robot for use in any VEX IQ Robotics Competition event (including Skills Challenges) must consist of subsystems 1 and 2 above. Thus, if you are swapping out an entire subsystem 1 or 2, you have now created a second Robot and are no longer legal.
  • Teams may not compete with one Robot while a second is being modified or assembled at a competition.
  • Teams may not have an assembled second Robot on hand at a competition that is used to repair or swap parts with the first Robot.
  • Teams may not switch back and forth between multiple Robots during a competition. This includes using different Robots for Skills Challenge, Qualification Matches, and/or Finals Matches.
  • Multiple Teams may not use the same Robot. Once a Robot has competed under a given Team number at an event, it is “their” Robot; no other Teams may compete with it for the duration of the competition season.
  • The intent of <R1a>, <R1b>, and <R1c> is to ensure an unambiguous level playing field for all Teams. Teams are welcome (and encouraged) to improve or modify their Robots between events, or to collaborate with other Teams to develop the best possible game solution. However, a Team who brings and/or competes with two separate Robots at the same tournament has diminished the efforts of a Team who spent extra design time making sure that their one Robot can accomplish all of the game’s tasks. A multi-Team organization that shares a single Robot has diminished the efforts of a multi-Team organization that puts in the time, effort, and resources to undergo separate individual design processes and develop their own Robots. To help determine whether a Robot is a “separate Robot” or not, use the Subsystem definitions found in <R1>. Above that, use common sense as referenced in <G3>. If you can place two complete and legal Robots on a table next to each other, then they are two separate Robots. Trying to decide if changing a pin, a wheel, or a motor constitutes a separate Robot is missing the intent and spirit of this rule.
    Significant Q&As:
  • 2183 - Swapping wheels is not considered replacing a subsystem