There is no restriction on sensors and other Additional Electronics that Robots may use for sensing and processing, except as follows: Sensors and Additional Electronics MUST be connected to the V5 Robot Brain via any of the externally accessible ports (i.e., without any modification to the microcontroller). A sensor may be connected to a processing unit which then connects to the V5 Robot Brain Sensors and Additional Electronics CANNOT directly electrically interface with VEX motors and / or solenoid The additional sensors and electronics may only receive power from any of the following: Directly from the V5 Robot Brain via any externally accessible port From an additional lithium ion, lithium iron or nickel metal hydride battery pack (only one (1) additional battery can be used for sensor/processing power). This additional battery pack must operate at a maximum of 12 volts nominal Only the V5 Battery can power the V5 Brain Additional Electronics which include a low-powered motor as an integral part of their primary sensing/processing function, such as an external processor’s cooling fan or a spinning sensor, are permissible Standalone motors which serve no additional sensing or processing functionality (e.g., using a commercially-available brushless motor in a drivetrain) are not considered legal Additional Electronics, and would be considered a Violation of <VUR11> Pneumatic solenoids are the only types of solenoids that are permitted as Additional Electronics. Solenoids used for any purpose other than opening and closing a pneumatic valve are considered an actuator and therefore prohibited, per <VUR11> Significant Q&As 2031 - Purchased odometry pods or components are not legal, but an encoder sensor is