Keep Scoring Objects in the field. Teams may not intentionally or strategically remove Scoring Objects from the field. Rings that leave the Field during Match play, intentionally or unintentionally, will be given to Drive Team Members from the same color Alliance as the Ring. These Drive Team Members may gently place them into the field such that they satisfy the following conditions: Contacting the Field Perimeter wall on the side that coincides with their Alliance Station. Contacting the Floor. Not contacting a Mobile Goal. Not contacting a Robot. Not contacting a Corner. Note: It is expected that Drive Team Members may momentarily break the plane of the Field while legally introducing these Rings. Teams from both Alliances should be extremely mindful of <S1> and <G9> during this process. Note 2: If a Mobile Goal leaves the Field, it should be returned to the field in a neutral/non-Placed state. Any Rings which were scored on this Mobile Goal will be given to their respective Drive Team Members, as described above. Violation Notes:
After a Team’s third Violation of this rule (either Major or Minor), all subsequent Violations of this rule will immediately escalate to a Major Violation. Any Team that removes three (3) or more Rings from the Field in a single Match will receive a Major Violation. If it is not clear which Robot was the last to contact the Ring, then the Minor Violation will apply to all Teams involved with the interaction. Due to the difficulty of determining Match Affecting implications of this rule, most Violations should be considered Minor. However, blatantly intentional and/or Match Affecting Violations (especially during Elimination Matches) may still immediately escalate to a Major Violation at the Head Referee’s discretion. For example, a Top Ring that is removed with 5 seconds remaining by an Alliance who wins the Match by 1 point. Any Team who removes a Mobile Goal from the field will immediately receive a Major Violation. Significant Q&As: 2059 - Removing Rings from the Field while descoring is a Violation