Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Kids Robotics Workshop Presented by Google

Omaha, Nebraska

23-Mar-2024 Add to Calendar
Event Code
Workshops & Camps
Event Type
Event Format
Spots Open
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Standard Registration Opens
1-Feb-2024 12:00 EST
Registration Deadline
19-Mar-2024 12:00 EDT
Payment Deadline
18-Mar-2024 12:00 EDT
This event is closed to registration because:
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info

Kids Robotics Workshop Presented by Google

All students 6th to 10th grade with little or no experience in robotics are welcome and eligible to attend this Workshop.  Trained volunteers will be present to assist each participant.

Registration Instructions

To ensure you properly register your student participant for this event, please follow these directions:

  1. Select the "Login to Register" button on this Workshop page to register the student.  Only adults can register one or more students under their own account.
  2. Now select “Create a new Workshop Member” to fill out the New Workshop Member form for each student.
  3. Once the form is complete, select “Save and Finish Registering”
  4. Once registered, the adult representative will receive an email containing additional information.

A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided during the registration process.  If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact Brandi Bolinger at [email protected]

REC Foundation Participant Release Form

All participants will need to complete the REC Foundation Participant Release form upon arrival.  Hard copies will be available and will require a parent/guardian signature.


Breakfast and lunch will be provided for students.  Students may bring their own food or snacks if they have specific dietary restrictions.  

More Information

For more information about the VEX Robotics program or starting VEX teams in your organization, please visit the REC Foundation website.




Información general

Taller de robótica para estudiantes es presentado por Google

Todos los estudiantes de sexto a Decimo grado con poca o ninguna experiencia con la robótica son bienvenidos y elegibles. Varios voluntarios capacitados asistirán para ayudar a cada participante.



Instrucciones para registrar

Para asegurarse que se registe correctamente a su estudiante para este evento, siga estas instrucciones:

1.Seleccione el botón "Login to Register" en la pagina del taller para registrar al estudiante. Estudiantes deben de ser registrados bajo la cuenta del adulto, va a prodrer adegrar el estudiante a su accuenta en el proximo paso.

2.Seleccione "Create a new Workshop Member" para completar la informacion para cada estudiante.

3.Cuando el formulario esté completo, seleccione "Save and Finish Registering" y luego podra crear el formulario de informacion para el evento.

4.Una vez registrado, el adulto recibirá un correo electrónico con información adicional y un Formulario de consentimiento.

Comuníquese con Brandi Bolinger [email protected] si tiene preguntas sobre el registro.

Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación a la dirección de correo electrónico dado durante el proceso de registro. Si no recibe un correo electrónico de confirmación, comuníquese con Brandi Bolinger [[email protected]].



Exención de liberación de la Fundación REC

Todos los participantes deberán completar el siguiente formulario de consentimiento de RECF.




Desayuno y el almuerzo ceran ofrecidoes a los estudiantes a no costo. Los estudiantes pueden traer su propia comida o bocadillos si tienen restricciones dietéticas específicas.



Más información

Para obtener más información sobre el programa VEX Robotics o iniciar equipos VEX en su organización, visite el sitio web de la Fundación REC.

Edad/Nivel de grado:Sexto a Decimo grado

Age / Grade Level:
Middle School Students
High School Students

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 23-Mar-2024

Metropolitan Community College - Center for Advanced and Emerging Technology (CAET)
5300 N 30th St, Bldg 24
Omaha, Nebraska 68111
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner


Saturday, March 23, 2024

8:00am - 9:00am         Registration and Breakfast (provided)

9:00am - 9:40am         Opening Remarks and Guest Speakers

9:40am - 10:15am       Team Building Activities

10:15am - 12:00pm     Robot Build and Practice

12:00pm - 1:00pm       Lunch (provided)

1:00pm - 3:30pm         Robot Build Session & Activities

3:30pm - 4:00pm         Clean-up & Closing Remarks



If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please reach out to Brandi Bolinger at [email protected]


Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, please check the General Information section of the event page. Any updates due to inclement weather will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the event.

Refund and Payment Policies

This event is free for all participants.

Date: 23-Mar-2024
Metropolitan Community College - Center for Advanced and Emerging Technology (CAET)
5300 N 30th St, Bldg 24
Omaha, Nebraska 68111
United States

Travel Info


Metropolitan Community College
Fort Omaha Campus
Center for Advanced and Emerging Technology (CAET), Bldg. 24
Campus entrance at 32nd & Sorensen Pkwy