Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Google Sponsored - Girl Powered Robotics Workshop - VRC (Grades 6 - 12 in Fall of '23)

22-Jul-2023 - 23-Jul-2023 Add to Calendar
Event Code
Workshops & Camps
Event Type
Event Format
Spots Open
Event Region
California - Region 2
Standard Registration Opens
21-Mar-2023 15:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
28-Jun-2023 13:00 EDT
This event is closed to registration because:
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info

Information about this Workshop

​​Google is excited to host the sixth annual in-person Girl Powered Robotics Workshop for girls in grades 6 through 12, on July 22-23, 2023 at our Sunnyvale MP7 location. This two-day workshop is a collaboration with the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation (RECF), and Team 315 Paradigm

During the workshop, teams of students will be tasked with designing and building a robot to compete with other teams in game-based engineering challenges, like Spin Up (new game will be announced on April 27, 2023)

This event is for girls with no prior robotics or programming experience. It’s a great way to introduce robotics in a safe and inclusive environment to girls who want to experience what it would be like to build a robot and compete. There will also be breakout sessions during the event to share about other technologies and soft skills building.

You can learn more about past workshops at the links below:

WHO CAN REGISTER for this workshop

  • Girls in middle school and high school. The minimum grade level is starting 6th in Fall 2023. 

  • Girls are signed up as teams of minimum of 3 students / maximum of 5

  • Each team of 3-5 students needs to have at least one adult mentor present with them throughout the workshop with a maximum of 2 allowed. Adult mentors NEED NO ROBOTICS EXPERIENCE. We will have several trained volunteers on-site to assist each team with simple and advanced robotics questions.

  • There are no vaccine requirements at this time. We request all participants to follow health and safety guidelines such as wearing masks at their discretion.

  • All participants will be required to complete both a Google and a REC Foundation Release Form. 

  • If you are interested in finding other girls in your area to form a team for this event, please enter your contact information in this interest form. All information inputted will be shared with other interested students. Adding yourself to the interest form does not mean you have registered for the event.

General Workshop Info

The workshop fee is $400 per team. The fee for the workshop is fixed and is independent of the number of team members whether it be 3, 4, or 5. This fee will be waived for girls and teams with any financial difficulty. Please email [email protected] If you cannot pay the fee to request a fee waiver.  

We will provide all the robotics kits to be used at the workshop, and we will have trained volunteers supporting the teams throughout the event. Each day will begin at 8 AM and will finish at 5 PM (tentative times). On the second day, the teams will use the robots that they build on day 1 to compete against each other in an exciting competition in the main theater with the top teams winning prizes. The robots that the teams build will get the students ready for the 2023-24 robotics competition season.

We will provide lunch and snacks for all the participants on both days. We will accommodate vegetarian/non-vegetarian and so if you have dietary restrictions please be prepared to bring your own lunch/snacks. 

More details on the workshop and lunch options will be provided through follow-up emails for those registering for the workshop.

Once you have at least 3 participants and an adult mentor identified, here are the step-by-step instructions on how to formally register a team.

Step by Step Registration Instructions 

Special Note: 

  • PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER if you have participated in the Girl Powered workshops in previous years. This event is only for girls who are new to robotics and have not participated in this event in prior years.

  • Only ONE ADULT should register the entire team and pay the fees. The names of the participants will need to be provided on the Google form linked at the end of Step 5. 

  • DO NOT register a VRC team for $150. The ONLY fee you will have to pay is $400 when THE MENTOR REGISTERS. The individual girls don't have to register. 

Step 1:  Create a RobotEvents account if you don't already have one.  Click the 'Register' button in the upper right corner.  

Step 2: Click the “Register yourself for the event” button on this Workshop home page and register the team’s MENTOR. Select “Save and Finish Registering to add the event to your cart.

Step 3: You can then go back to the Workshop home page and in the top right corner, open the Cart.

Step 4: Complete Checkout and pay the fees of $400 for the entire team (the mentor is responsible for coordinating the collection of fees from the team participants). If there is a financial reason you are unable to afford the fees please write to the contact email ([email protected]) giving us the reasons, and we will waive the fees. 

Step 5: After completing the payment FILL OUT THIS FORM TO COMPLETE REGISTRATION. You will have 5 days to fill out this form from the date of your registration. This form requires you to provide all student names, parent emails, and contact information. 

FAQ: If you do not have 3 participants and are still interested, here is what you can do

  • If you know you will eventually have 3 or more team members but do not at the time of registration you can still pay the $400 fee to hold the team spot at the event. You can register 3-5 proxy student names and replace them with the real names up to 6 weeks prior to the start of the event. 

  • If you are interested in finding other girls in your area to form a team for this event, please enter your contact information in this interest form. All information input will be shared with other interested students. Adding yourself to the interest form does not mean you have registered for the event, but it will help create new teams of individual girls so that everyone who wants to can take part in this workshop


Past Workshop Details


If you have any questions about the workshop please contact [email protected] or Phone: 650-390-7928.

Organizers of the Girl Powered Robotics Workshop with Sponsorship from Google

Team 315 Paradigm -

Age / Grade Level:
Elementary School Students
Middle School Students
High School Students

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 22-Jul-2023 - 23-Jul-2023

Google Building MP7
1160 Bordeaux Dr
Sunnyvale, California 94089
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner


Agenda will be publisehd a week before the event. The event will run from 8AM to 6PM on July 22 and July 23, 2023


If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the volunteer form

Emergency/Bad Weather Policy


Refund and Payment Policies

Send email to [email protected] - refunds will be granted on a case by case basis and will not be within 5 weeks of the event. 

Health and Safety Policies

There are no vaccine requirements at this time.  We request all participants to follow health and safety guidelines such as wearing masks at their discretion.

Date: 22-Jul-2023 - 23-Jul-2023
Google Building MP7
1160 Bordeaux Dr
Sunnyvale, California 94089
United States

Travel Info

This event will be held at 

Google Building MP7 - 1160 Bordeaux Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089


The event will not be webcast