Nevada High School VRC State Championship
High School
- Date
- 9-Mar-2024 Add to Calendar
- Event Code
- RE-VRC-23-4950
- Program
- VEX V5 Robotics Competition
- Event Type
- Tournament
- Event Format
- In-Person
- Field Control System
- Smart Field Control
- Capacity
- 36
- Spots Open
- 0
- Event Region
- Nevada
- Standard Registration Opens
- 13-Nov-2023 12:00 EST
- Registration Deadline
- 16-Feb-2024 12:00 EST
- Payment Deadline
- 23-Feb-2024 12:00 EST
- Price
- $155.00
- This event currently has no spaces available.
- It is past the registration deadline.
General Info
This event is the Nevada State High School VRC Championship for the 2023-2024 Season: Over Under.
The event will take place in Gymnasium, however the pits will be located in the Student Activity Center.
Please park in the main studnet parking lot on the west side of the campus. You may access this parking lot from either Warm Springs Rd or Arroyo Grande Blvd
Consessions will be sold in the lobby of the Gym.
Grade Level: High School
Skills Challenge Offered: Yes
Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks
Event Dates & Locations
Date: 9-Mar-2024
Venue/Location:460 North Arroyo Grande Boulevard
Henderson, Nevada 89014
United States
Contact the Event Partner
You must login to contact this Event PartnerCode of Conduct
The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.
For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.
Agenda for Nevada State High School VRC Championship Tournament
Friday March 8, 2024
130: PM Gym Opens for Field and Pit set up (Teams encourged to come help set up tables and Fields)
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Inspection open for teams wishing to complete inspection early.
3:00 PM - 6:00 Skills Field Open to teams that help with set up and pass inspection
Saturday March 9, 2024
7:00 AM: Doors open. Registration and pits open.
7:15 AM – 8:15 AM: Inspections open. All robots must be inspected by 8:15 AM
8:00 AM Judges Meeting
8:15 AM Referee/Score Keeper Meeting
8:45 AM: Opening Ceremonies
9:00 AM: Drivers meeting/Match Schedule Distibution
9:15 AM - 12:00 PM: Qualification matches
9:15 AM - 2:30 PM: Robot and Programming Skills (Closed During Opening Ceremonies and from 12-12:45 for Lunch Break)
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM: Lunch
12:45 PM - 3:30PM: Qualification matches continue
3:45 PM: Alliance Selection
4:15 PM: Elimination matches
5:15 PM: Finals
5:30 PM: Awards
6:00 PM: Clean up and Good night!!!
* Please note that the schedule may change throughout the day. Please be sure to listen for announcements.
Event volunteers are the heart and soul of VEX competitions. We rely on Referees to keep things fair, Emcees to keep things exciting, and Queuers to keep things on schedule! Volunteering at a VEX competition is easy to learn, fun to do, and rewarding for everyone involved.
If you or your team would like to volunteer please contact Andy Agan by email. [email protected]
For a decription of voluneter roles please click this link: Volunteer Roles
Once fields are set up on Friday night, teams can begin inspection and Robot Skills attempts. Please consder bringing your team and robot on Friday night.
Emergency/Bad Weather Policy
This is an indoor event. While emergency weather conditions are not expected, reasonable effort will be made to inform teams of any rescheduling or cancellations due to emergency/bad weather. Please contact Andy Agan ([email protected]) if weather is a concern and please monitor the event status on Robot Cancellations will be posted there.
Refund and Payment Policies
No Refunds except for extreme circumstances determined by the event partner.
Payment: All teams must pay online by February 23, 2024 at 11:59pm or that team will be dropped. Only on-line payments will be accepted.
Health and Safety Policies
Health and Safety Policies
NOTE: Safety information will be updated in the early fall to reflect the current requirements for schools in our area.
COVID Information
Face Coverings
Face coverings will be optional for everyone, everywhere throughout the tournament, in the stands, pits, and at the fields.
Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer will be available at various locations at the tournament venue. Teams and spectators are encouraged to bring their own sanitizer as well. Please use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day particularly after leaving the competition field.
Concessions will be available.
Spectators are allowed at this time, if that changes the team coaches will be notified.
Team Health
Please monitor the health of your team. We trust that everyone keeps their teams informed of their health as related to COVID infection. Anyone with potential COVID symptoms or possible COVID exposure should not attend the tournament.
Pit Tables
We will provide extra space between tables in the pit area and the walking areas from the pits to the competition field. We will provide enough space so that there is proper spacing between team tables and a larger spacing between organizations. Individual teams will be grouped together at one table.
Competition Fields
We will be using three (3) competition fields, two (2) skills field, and one (1) practice field. Robots and drivers will need to arrive ready to compete.
Changing Conditions
We might need to make adjustments to our event due to local and state COVID guidelines. The team coaches will be notified of any changes as we get closer to the event.
Date: 9-Mar-2024
460 N Arroyo Grande Blvd460 North Arroyo Grande Boulevard
Henderson, Nevada 89014
United States
Travel Info
Green Valley High School
460 North Arroyo Grande Boulevard
Henderson, Nevada 89014
United States
If you are traveling from out of the area, the closest hotels to Green Valley High School are:
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Henderson
Address: 441 Astaire Dr, Henderson, NV 89014
Phone: (702) 990-2323
Hampton Inn & Suites Las Vegas-Henderson
Address: 421 Astaire Dr, Henderson, NV 89014
Phone: (702) 992-9292
Sunset Station Hotel & Casino
Address: 1301 W Sunset Rd, Henderson, NV 89014
Phone: (702) 547-7777
Judging Format
Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews: Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. Notebooks should be submitted by 2/23/2024
Drivers Meeting Notes
VEX 2023 -2024 Drivers Meeting Notes
General Event Information
Welcome and Introduction of key volunteers,
Event Partner: Andy Agan -all facility and event logistics questions
Head Referees: Curtis Nielson, Koby Atkinson, Baruas Adams, Gordy Driver- All Game play related Questions.
Judge Advisor Interviews: Mike Proctor
Judge Advisor Notebooks: Bruce Drew -
Judges will recognize student-centered work – Judges will consider compliance with the REC Foundation Student-Centered policy for judged awards.
Engineering Notebooks – were submitted digitally. Judges will not look at any physical notebooks today.
The location of restrooms and concessions is the Gym lobby.
Reminder: Adult team leaders are responsible for student safety and conduct at all times
Teams are responsible for their equipment and materials. If you lose something check at the Tournament Manager Table.
Keep the pit are located in the Auxiliary Gym, clean and organized for safety and easy repacking after the event
Practice fields, located in the Auxiliary Gym, – Teams should reset fields after use, share fields so all teams can practice, and limit time
Queuing- Please pay attention to the match schedule. Please queue up 3 matches before your scheduled match. you will be notified of any changes. Matches 1, 2, and 3 should check in with the Queuing table then go directly to your field immediately after this Drivers meeting and match 4 should queue up as soon as match 1 ends.
Skills Challenges – two Skills fields behind the curtain in the main Gym Each team will get 3 Driver Skills, 3 Autonomous Programming Skills runs. Skills Fields Close at 11:45 for volunteer lunch break and will reopen at 1pm
Lunch Break: All fields will close from 12pm. Please start queuing at 12:45pm to resume qualification matches
Alliance Selection – After all Qualifying Matches are complete, the Alliance Selection process will consist of one round of selection, and 16 Alliances of two Teams will compete in the Elimination Matches.
Timeouts – There are no timeouts during qualifying matches. Each Alliance may request one Time Out no greater than three minutes between matches during the elimination bracket.
Rules Reminders for VRC Over Under
Rule and the Code of Conduct
Please keep the REC Foundation Code of Conduct in mind while competing today. Be respectful, stay professional, follow the rules, and we’ll all have a great event. Coaches, if you haven’t reviewed the Code of Conduct with your students, please take a few minutes to do that after this meeting. You can find it on the REC Foundation website
If a team or any of its members are disrespectful or uncivil to event staff, volunteers, or fellow competitors, they may be Disqualified from a current Match, upcoming Match, or the entire event depending on the severity of the situation. Judges will also consider team conduct and ethics when determining awards. This applies to anyone associated with the team (participants and spectators).
Only the Drive Team Members may contest a referee’s ruling - Adults (Coaches, Mentors, Parents) are not permitted to intervene.
VRC is a Student-Centered Program
VRC is a student-centered program. Adults may assist Students in urgent situations, but Adults may never work on or program a Robot without Students on that Team being present and actively participating.
The robot design, construction, and programming must represent the skill level of the team.
Before the Match
Each team will run 8 qualification matches. To queue, follow these procedures: Go to the Queuing table marked with the field your alliance is scheduled to( Field 1, 2, or 3) tell them your team number to check in. Wait in the field Staging area for your field to clear. Once you see your field is clear go to your field, plug in your controller
Get to the queuing table on time with a ready‐to‐drive robot and controller. If you can’t get your robot to a match, sending a drive team member will still get you points from the match.
Check for safety glasses and the correct color of license plates. If the wrong color plates are easily visible on your robot, your bot may be removed from the field.
There should only be 3 drive-team members from each team at the field.
Set your robot up quickly, in a legal starting position and configuration.
Autonomous Period
Touching foam tiles, triballs, or field elements on the other side of the neutral zone or in the other offensive zone will award the autonomous bonus to the other alliance.
During the Match
Stay away from the nets. Robots that entangle with a net, or robots that force opponents into entanglement, will be disabled for the rest of the match.
Horizontal expansion is limited to 36" in any direction.
Possession is limited to one triball, whether it's intentionally or accidentally. If you have extra triballs, the only thing you're allowed to do is try to get rid of the extras.
Stay out of your opponent's goal unless they are double-zoned.
During the last 15 seconds of the match, don't contact your opponent's elevation bars, robots in contact with them, or elevated opponents.
No holding (including trapping, pinning, and lifting) for more than a 5-count.
It’s only holding if one robot is restricting an opponent's movements, and if the trapped/pinned/lifted robot is actively trying to escape. Holding longer than a 5-count may result in a DQ.
If you believe you’re being held, call for a referee’s attention.
After a holding count ends, a robot can't resume holding the same opponent again for another 5-count, or the original holding count will resume where it left off.
Multiple minor violations will lead to a major violation.
Match affecting violations will lead to disqualification of one or both alliances.
After the Match
Do not touch any part of the field until the scorer keepers have tallied the score and both alliances have agreed to the score.
Check the score and raise any concerns about the match before you leave the field.
Once you’ve left the alliance station you’ve waived your right to any appeals.
The referees will only talk to the drive team members about matches and can’t look at videos of the match. Period.
Skills Matches
Each team gets up to three driving skills matches and three autonomous coding skills matches. Be sure to make time for skills!
In a Skills match, teams can use any legal starting position for either alliance, and either set of elevation bars. Neutral triballs can be scored in the red goal and offensive zone; red triballs can be scored in either goal or the red offensive zone.
Drivers have to stay in the red alliance station.
Most game rules still apply in skills matches.
Awards and Advancement
36 Teams competing today. Nevada has been alloted 7 spots at the World Championships.
1 Excellence Award Winner
2- Tournament Champions
2 - Tournament Finalists
1 - Robot Skills Champion
1- Design Award Winner
If any team qualifies twice, then their spot goes to the next highest unqualified team on the State Tournament Skills list. This is why skills are SO important. You get three driver skills and three programming skills. There are TWO skills fields. You queue for skills by getting in line with your robot. Skills are open from 9 to 11:45 and 1pm until the last qualification match. All teams must be present during Alliance selection.
Excellence Award
The Excellence Award is the top award given in a VEX Robotics Competition. There are very specific requirements to win the Excellence Award. They are
Have a “fully-developed” notebook. Notebooks are to be turned in digitally by date 2/23/2024.
Have a high-quality interview.
Be in the top 30% of qualifications. Because there are 36 teams in the tournament, you MUST finish in the top 10 teams to qualify for Excellence.
Be in the top 30% of Robot Skills. Because there are 36 teams in the tournament, you MUST finish in the top 10 teams to qualify for Excellence. (Another reason to make sure to get your skills runs in)
Be in the top 30% of Autonomous Programming. Because there are 36 teams in the tournament, you MUST finish in the top 10 teams to qualify for Excellence. (Another reason to make sure to get your skills runs in)
Be in the running for multiple other awards.
Not have a single G1 or G2 violation during the tournament.
Tournament Champions
The tournament champions are the two teams who win the tournament. Because this is a Worlds-Qualifying event, the finals match will be best of three. We will be taking 16 alliances into finals from this event, so be sure to think about alliance selection throughout the day.
Tournament Finalists
The tournament finalists are the two teams that don’t win in the Finals. So, yes, all four teams in the finals will be going to VEX Worlds.
Robot Skills Champion
The Robot Skills champion is the robot with the highest combined Driver and Autonomous skills scores at this tournament. You get three driver skills and three programming skills. Skills are open from 9am to 11:45 am and from 1pm until the last qualification match. All teams must be present during Alliance selection.
Design Award:
In order to win the design award, a team must have
A fully-developed notebook
A high-quality team interview
An engineering notebook is a requirement for the design award.
Other awards that will be given out are (None of these qualify for VEX Worlds):
Judge’s Award
Innovate Award
Think Award
Amaze Award
Build Award
Create Award
Sportsmanship Award (will be voted on by the teams)
Energy Award (will be voted on by the teams)
Inspire Award
Share Feedback, and Have Fun!
Direct questions, concerns, or positive feedback to the Event Partner.
Remember to thank your parents, teachers, mentors, coaches and all the volunteers that made this event possible.
Field and Pits Layout
See Docs and Downloads for PDF of Fiels and Pits Layout.