Downey Unified VEX HS Tournament 2
High School Only
- Date
- 3-Dec-2023 Add to Calendar
- Event Code
- RE-VRC-23-2593
- Program
- VEX V5 Robotics Competition
- Event Type
- Tournament
- Event Format
- In-Person
- Field Control System
- VEXNet Field Control
- Capacity
- 32
- Spots Open
- 0
- Event Region
- California - Region 4
- Max Registrations per Organization
- 6
- Early-Bird Registration Opens
- 25-Sep-2023 20:00 EDT
- Standard Registration Opens
- 22-Oct-2023 20:00 EDT
- Registration Deadline
- 24-Nov-2023 20:00 EST
- Payment Deadline
- 24-Nov-2023 14:38 EST
- Price
- $160.00
- This event currently has no spaces available.
- It is past the registration deadline.
General Info
This is a HIGH SCHOOL only event hosted by Downey Unified School District. The proceeds from this event are used to sustain DUSD robotics programs and to host tournaments for teams from around the Southern California area.
Thank you for participating in our tournament and we hope you enjoy our event!
- We will not be offering a meal plan for teams, but there will be a concession stand selling prepackaged items.
- There are many food options in the Downey community surrounding the campus.
- There will be two competition fields, a Skills Challenge field and a full practice field at this event.
- Both Driving Skills and Programming Skills Challenges are open to all registered teams.
- This event will have a six-team limit on the number of teams per school. If the event is full please place your team on the waiting list.
- On-site parking is free.
Late Arrivals
Teams must be checked in 45 minutes prior to the start of the qualification matches so that the match schedule may be printed. Teams must contact the event partner if they are running late or they will be removed from the team list for the event.
Team Payment
Teams must be paid by November 24th, 2023 . Teams not paid at this time may be dropped at the event partner's discretion to allow teams in from the wait list.
Grade Level: High School
Skills Challenge Offered: Yes
Judging Format: All In-Person Judging
Event Dates & Locations
Date: 3-Dec-2023
Venue/Location:9633 Tweedy Lane
Downey, California 90240
United States
Contact the Event Partner
You must login to contact this Event PartnerCode of Conduct
The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.
For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.
7:15 am Doors Open/ Practice Field Opens
7:30 am Inspection Begins
8:45 am Opening CeremonyDriver's/Coaches Meeting
9:00 am Driver's/Coaches Meeting
9:15 am Qualifying Matches Begin/ Robot Skills Fields Open
12:00 pm Lunch Break
12:45 pm Qualifying Matches Continue
3:15 pm Qulifications End / Skills closes
3:30 pm Alliance Selection
4:00 pm Finals Begins
5:00 pm Awards Ceremony
5:00 pm Clean Up
5:15 pm Event Closes
If friends or family are interested in volunteering for this event, please email Ron Legaspi ([email protected]).
We need all the volunteers we can get! Thank you!
Emergency/Bad Weather Policy
Tournament is indoors. Only under severe weather circumstances would the event be cancelled. An email would be sent the day before if there is a chance of cancellation. Teams should make sure their contact information is up to date and includes both school and non-school phone numbers.
In the case of bad weather conditions or possible cancellations, please visit the event on where updates about the event status will be posted as needed. Event Partners will also make every effort to reach teams directly in case of an emergency. Make sure your team contact information is up to date in your account, as this is the information that will be used to contact your team.
We will be operating this event according to current COVID policies established by our district school board.
Refund and Payment Policies
Due to fixed costs, refunds will not be provided within two weeks of the event and are made at the discretion of the event partner.
If we are able to webcast the event, then the link will be posted here.
Judging Format
- All In-Person Judging - The Team Interviews are in-person and Digital Engineering Notebooks will be used for judged awards.
- Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions: Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. Notebook submission deadline is November 30th.
- Physical engineering notebooks will NOT be accepted.