Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

ROCORI Fall VRC HS Tournament (Canceled)

High School only

21-Oct-2023 Add to Calendar
Event Code
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Type
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Spots Open
Event Region
Max Registrations per Organization
Standard Registration Opens
14-Aug-2023 16:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
16-Oct-2023 16:00 EDT
Payment Deadline
14-Oct-2023 10:49 EDT
This event is closed to registration because:
  • This event has been canceled.
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info

Welcome to our annual ROCORI Fall High School VRC Tournament.

To eliminate any potential damage to our gym floor, please leave all roller carts in the hallway.  Do not use these to transport your robot to and from practice,skills or competition fields.


There will be a lunch break.

Full concessions with lunch options will be offered at this event.

There are a few local options for food also, but it is limited.

Competition Preparation

This event is sure to be a fast-paced and exciting event. All teams should come prepared for competition. Here are a few steps that every team should take to ensure that they are prepared.

1. Review the rules and run through the inspection checklist about a week before the competition so that there is ample time for adjustments. The inspection checklist can be found on the Documents tab.

2. Check the official VEX forums at for rule updates and changes.

3. Carefully read all of the information contained in the tournament posting on

4. Pack for the event the day before the day of departure. Here are a few items that you don't want to forget.
Goggles/Safety Glasses
Spare parts & tools
Batteries and chargers
Programming cable
Power strip
Laptop computer
Engineering notebook (if you have one, helpful for Judges, Design and 
Excellence Awards ). We will be reviewing both hard copy and electronic logbooks
Banners and other decorations for your team pit
Giveaways if you have them

5. Be sure to read 101 Things You Should Know Before Your First VEX Tournament, found on the Documents tab. 

6. Review the descriptions and criteria for the awards that are being given during the tournament. 

7. Prep for your interviews with the judges. Check the awards tab to see what awards will be given during the tournament.

8. Remember that safety comes first, please don't bring tools that pose a safety risk to your team, or others nearby as the venue is a very tight fit. Also, remember no grinding or other actions that create sparks.  

9. Understand how the game will be played. VEX participants are more than welcome to watch the referee training videos before they attend a tournament. The referee training videos can be found at web site, under the Volunteer Resources tab.

10. Read through the Robot troubleshooting guide. The guide can be found here.

11. Ensure your robot brain has the latest version of firmware.

- Alliances will be 2 teams.
-Number of elimination alliances (16-23 teams = 8 alliances in finals, 24-31 teams =12 alliances in finals, 32+ teams = 16 alliances in finals)
- If an odd number of teams, the last-ranked team should still attend Alliance Selection in case a team withdraws due to a problem with their robot.
- All finals matches will be one-and-done (no best-of-three matches). 
- Ties in finals matches will be replayed until a winner is determined.

Participation and Consent Form

All team members, coaches and adult mentors should fill out the online consent form wich is good all season and for all RECF run events.  A link to the instructions for online consent form can be found here. ,



All VEX Robotics High School teams are welcome to sign up for this event.  There will be a separate tournament for Middle School Teams at a later date. Both will be competing to gain state tournament spots

The event will be held at:

Rocori High School

534 5th Ave North

Cold Spring, MN 56320




Grade Level: High School

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging


Grade Level: High School

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Eligible Teams:

Replace this text with the information you would like on the event's General Info tab. 

Grade Level: High School

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 21-Oct-2023

Rocori High School
534 5th Avenue North
Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320
United States

Contact Information

You must login to contact this Event Partner


8AM doors open

8AM-9AM inspections

9AM Skills Field Opens

9:15AM Team Mtg

9:30AM Start Competition

Noon 30 Min. Lunch break

1:45 Skills Field Closes

12:30-2PM Competition

2-2:15 Alliance

2:15 Start Quarter Finals

3:30 Trophies



About 50 volunteers will be needed to help run this event.  


If you are interested in volenteering for this event please contact Amy Soine @ [email protected]

Watch your email for role and shift assignments.


If you have questions please feel free to give me a call

Amy Soine



Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

We will make every effort to not cancel this event for weather. If weather is threatening or hazardous, use your own best judgment as to whether or not you'll travel to the tournament. Put the safety of students, coaches, and spectators first. If the event is cancelled then "Cancelled" will appear in the title of the event on

Refund and Payment Policies

No refunds will be given for cancelations. If refund is given for extenuating circumstances, there is a $5 Robot Events registration fee that cannot be refunded.

Judging Format


  • All In-Person Judging - The Team Interviews and Engineering Notebooks will be judged in-person the day of the event. Teams should bring a physical copy of their notebook to submit to the judges.













14 teams are on the waitlist for this event.

Please login to add or remove teams from the waiting list.