Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Mall of America Signature Event

Blended VRC MS/HS

4-Aug-2023 - 5-Aug-2023 Add to Calendar
Event Code
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Type
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Spots Open
Event Region
Max Registrations per Organization
Early-Bird Registration Opens
2-Jun-2023 12:00 EDT
Standard Registration Opens
16-Jun-2023 12:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
28-Jul-2023 08:00 EDT
Payment Deadline
24-Jul-2023 08:00 EDT

A maximum of 50% of team registrations can be from any one event region

Region Maximum % # Spots Allowed # Spots Remaining
Minnesota 50% 50 30
This event is closed to registration because:
  • This event currently has no spaces available.
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info

This summer, the greatest two minutes in competitive robotics returns to the VEX Robotics Mall of America Signature event! The competition features 100 top-notch teams from all over the United States, competing in the 2023-2024 Challenge Over Under. As the first signature event of the season, this tournament is a magnet for the most skilled and talented VEX Robotics teams.   The student competitors dedicate their precious summer months engineering and refining their robot designs in preparation for this event.  The Mall of America Signature Event promises to be an exciting way to kickstart the 2023-2024 VEX Robotics Competition Season. During your stay check out the indoor theme park, Nickelodeon Universe, mini golf, or shop the hundreds of stores, entertainment, and restaurants.  

The Competition is an exciting way to Experience STEAM!  The Experience STEAM Concept places student-centric STEAM activities in highly public non-traditional spaces.  It gives a spotlight to the phenomenal students in VEX Students and allows other students, parents, and the public a unique opportunity to see the exciting world of STEAM. 

2024 VEX Worlds Spots

This event is classified as a blended Level 2 Signature Event.  The event will be allotted the following 2024 VEX Worlds spots:

(1) Excellence and (2) Tournament Champions

If more than 10 teams from each grade level register, then two Excellence Awards will be given (1 HS / 1 MS) and both will qualify to VEX Worlds. 

Event Partner Contact Info:

Andrew Dahlen - [email protected] - 218-791-4010

Katie Frank -  [email protected] - 320-308-5168 

Grade Level: All

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 4-Aug-2023 - 5-Aug-2023

Mall of America®
60 East Broadway
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


Friday August 4 2023:

8:00 AM          Pit area and inspections open.
10:00 AM       Skills open 
10:00 AM       Check in closes* 
10:30 AM       Inspection closes
10:30 AM       Driver meeting 
11:00 AM       Opening ceremony
11:30 AM       Qualification rounds
6:00 PM         Pause qualifications

*All teams need to be checked in by 10:00 AM on Friday or in contact with the event coordinator. Teams that have not checked in by that time will not be allowed to participate. 

Saturday August 5th 2023:

8:00 AM       Venue opens
9:00 AM       Qualifications resume
3:30 PM       End skills 
4:00 PM       End qualifications
4:15 PM       Alliance selection
4:30 PM       Elimination rounds
6:00 PM       Awards 
7:00 PM       End of Event


Welcome, it takes a lot of volunteers to make this a successful event. Thank you for volunteering. No experience necessary to volunteer, come help out and join in the fun. Please feel free to sign up for multiple shifts, duties.  Parents, family and freinds associated with teams make for amazing volunteers, and it is far more rewarding to volunteer than to simply watch the event. As an added bonus, volunteers receive food and an event T-shirt!

We are using to track our voluneteers. Click on this link to volunteer:

If you have further questions about volunteering, please contact:

Andrew Dahlen   - Cell 218-791-4010 - Email: [email protected].

Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

Teams are advised to watch for weather or emergency related cancellations.   If the tournament must be cancelled or postponed, the name of the tournament will change to cancelled or postponed.  In the event of a cancellation or postponement, teams will be sent additional information via Email. 

Please call Andrew Dahlen 218-791-4010 if you have questions.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: 

This situation is highly unlikely and an 80% refund will be provided.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend:

Teams have two weeks after registration to pay for this event. Unpaid teams will be moved to the waitling list.  Unpaid registraions can only hold a team's spot at this event for a short two weeks.  Once a team has paid the registraion fee, no refunds will be given.

Date: 4-Aug-2023 - 5-Aug-2023
Mall of America®
60 East Broadway
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425
United States

Travel Info

Metro Transit

From the Airport

Hiawatha Line (Route 55) -—The Hiawatha light-rail line offers fast, frequent service from both airport terminals to Mall of America®. Hiawatha light-rail trains leave every 7.5 minutes during rush hours, every 10-15 minutes at other times. Travel time is 12 minutes.
View schedules and routes

From Minneapolis

Hiawatha Light Rail (Route 55) — The Hiawatha light-rail line offers fast, frequent service from downtown (5th Street) to Mall of America. Travel time from end to end is 39 minutes.
View schedules and routes

From St. Paul

Route 54 — offers limited-stop service from downtown (6th & 7th Streets) to Mall of America and Minneapolis-St. Paul airport.
View schedules and routes

Need more info? Call 612.373.3333 to speak to a transit expert or use the online Trip Planner.


Hotel attached to Mall:



Phone : 855-516-1090

The Radison Blu is attached to the Mall of America and located near the Signature Event.

Additional Hotel Options 

There are numerous hotels within walking diatance to the Mall and many are near Metro Transit stations.  


Judging Format

All In-Person Judging - The Team Interviews and Engineering Notebooks will be judged in-person the day of the event. Teams should bring a physical copy of their notebook to submit to the judges.



Please know that unpaid registrations will will be given 2 weeks to arrange payment.  After this time teams will moved to the waitlist and lose their reserved spot. We understand that it can take some time to make payment, and some flexibility can be earned with good communication.  

Signature Event Early Bird Policy

  • All Signature Events will have a specific Early Bird Registration that is independent of all local/regional Early Bird systems
    • Each team starts the season with three (3) opportunities to register during the Signature Event Early-Bird period
      • An opportunity is taken away each time the team registers for a Signature Event, whether during the Signature Event Early-Bird period or Standard period
      • A Signature Event Early-Bird opportunity is not taken away if a team registers for a tournament hosted by their school or organization (where the team’s coach is the Event Partner)
    • Early Bird Registration will open 16 weeks before the event at 12:00PM EST
      • Note: Modifications to this may be made for events in August and September
    • Standard Registration will open 14 weeks before the event at 12:00PM EST
    • An Event Partner may register their own teams to their Signature Event during Signature Event Early Bird Registration no matter how many other Signature Events they are already registered for  
      • The Event Partner must be the Primary Contact for the teams they are registering