Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Consumers Energy & Kettering University Michigan HS State Champs

VEX V5 Robotics Competition High School ERC

21-Feb-2025 - 22-Feb-2025 Add to Calendar
Event Code
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Type
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Spots Open
Event Region
Standard Registration Opens
11-Nov-2024 16:00 EST
Registration Deadline
17-Feb-2025 16:00 EST
Payment Deadline
10-Feb-2025 16:00 EST

Login to Register

General Info

New A3 Robot Safety Award

We are also excited to welcome the Association for Advancing Automation (A3) as a sponsor of this amazing event. A3 has created a special award for this event, the A3 Robot Safety Award. State Championship competing teams who wish to be considered for the award will need to bring the completed form to the A3 table in the recreation center at Kettering University by 4 PM on Friday, February 21.

More informaiton about the award: A3 Robot Safety Award - Judging Rubric - Application Form

Early Load-In Tours and Pizza

Once again, Kettering University is inviting the competing VEX teams to register to participate in the Early Load-in Tour of the Kettering campus followed by Pizza on Friday, February 21st.


  • Load-in your team supplies to your team pit in the Connie & Jim John Recreation Center at Kettering University between 9:30- 9:45 AM for the 10:15 AM tour or between 9:45-10:45 AM for the 11:15 AM tour
  • Meet at the Kettering University information table located in the recreation center promptly at 10:10 AM for the 10:15 AM campus tour or 11:10 AM for the 11:15 AM campus tour
  • Enjoy pizza after the tour in the Learning Commons, compliments of the Kettering University admissions office
  • Teams must register by 5:00 pm on Monday, February 17th 
  • PLEASE complete a separate Early Load-in Tour registration for each team, even if the teams are from the same organization.
  • Tours are limited, so please register for the VEX State Championship - Early Load-in Tour soon
  • Students who tour will receive a free t-shirt.

Prior to State Tournament

Teams must pay before competing. Teams that have not paid will not be allowed to compete! Please pay RECF or make other arrangements with Kettering.


  • Please do not try to enter before 7:15 am
  • Check-in when you come in the door
  • Everyone needs to bring a signed Participant Consent Form or have filled out the Consent Form online. (Adults included) 
  • Please go to the Documents tab to download  

Late Arrival

  • The final team list will be established on Friday at 2:30 pm! If for some reason your team is delayed in arriving, please contact Clinton Bolinger on the day of the tournament. 
  • Teams that arrive after 2:30 pm on Friday and have not communicated their expected arrival time will not be allowed to participate in the tournament.

Firmware Update:

  • Make sure you have installed the latest firmware updates.  


  • Please be sure to complete the pre-inspection sheet before arriving at the event.
  • Inspection will be on Friday, please see the agenda.

Event Structure

  • There will be only two division.
  • There will be 6 competition fields with bleachers. 

Team Pit Area

  • Each team will receive a 6' table.
  • One electrical outlet will be provided per team table in the pits.
  • Teams are responsible for supplying power strips, extension cords, battery chargers, and computers.
  • Make sure your charger and batteries are identified.
  • Safety Glasses are highly recommended in the pit area and required while at the field. Please remember to bring Safety Glasses for each member, coach, family, and friends.
  • We will have practice fields set up in the pit area.


  • Pre-Order Food Vouchers will be available for purchase
  • Orders must be placed ONLINE by noon on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, so we have enough time to pick them up from the Dining Services office before the event.
  • Pre-order vouchers for all-you-can-eat lunch (one time through) at the Kettering Battenburg Cafe in the Learning Commons are available for purchase on Kettering's Site
  • The cafe offers a wide variety of food (including vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and more) and beverages for $12.00 per person
  • Vouchers have no expiration date - if you plan to attend future events at Kettering, you will be able to use leftover vouchers at that time.
  • Outside food is permitted in both the Rec Center and Learning Commons, but there will NOT be a dedicated place or plugs for your Team to set up your own food service. Sternos or other warming devices are NOT permitted.

Digital Engineering Notebooks

  • Notebooks must be submitted digitally by 5:00 pm Friday February 14, 2025
  • Physical Engineering Notebooks will NOT be accepted at the event
  • See the "Judging Format" for more information


  • Skills fields will be open as noted on the Agenda.
  • Rules for Robot Skills Challenges may be found in Appendix B of the latest update of the Game Manual
  • Skills Challenge Matches will close six matches before the end of the Qualification Rounds
  • Skills Challenge Queuing will operate on a first-come-first-served basis. If there are teams in line, you must go to the end of the line for additional run(s).

General Information

  • If you need any help, please just ask anyone in a Volunteer shirt. 
  • Please be kind to all Volunteers including the Referees and Judges. Without them, there would be no tournament.

Grade Level: High School

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 21-Feb-2025 - 22-Feb-2025

Kettering University Connie and Jim John Recreation Center
1700 University Avenue
Flint, Michigan 48504
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


Agenda subject to changes

Friday - February 21, 2025:

1:00 pm - Pit Load-In and Registration
1:15 pm - Inspection Begins
1:30 pm - Skills Matches Open
3:30 pm - Registration Closes
3:30 pm - Match Schedule Generated (Only Teams that have arrived and Checked In will be included)
4:00 pm - Qualification Matches Start
5:45 pm - Skills Fields Close
6:00 pm - End of Qualification Matches & Pits Close

Saturday - February 22, 2025:

7:15 am - Doors Opens
8:00 am - Skills Matches Open
8:50 am - Drivers Meeting
9:00 am - Opening Ceremonies 
9:15 am - Resume Qualification Matches
11:30 am - 12:30 pm - Blue Division Lunch
12:30 am - 1:30 pm - Gold Division Lunch 
2:30 pm - Skills Matches End
4:00 pm - Qualifying Competition Ends 
4:15 pm - Alliance Selection 
4:30 pm - Start of Elimination Matches
6:30 pm - Awards ceremony
7:30 pm - Venue Closes




We welcome volunteers for our event. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out our SignUp Genius Volunteer Form 




Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

Emergency/Bad Weather Policy


In case of bad weather conditions or possible cancellations please visit the event on where we will post updates about the event status as needed in the General description. Please feel free to contact Clinton Bolinger. if you are going to be late for the event. Match Lists will be generated as scheduled ( on agenda) and cannot be re-run


Refund and Payment Policies

Refund Policy

There are NO refunds for this event unless the event is canceled by Kettering University.

Date: 21-Feb-2025 - 22-Feb-2025
Kettering University Connie and Jim John Recreation Center
1700 University Avenue
Flint, Michigan 48504
United States

Travel Info

Hotel Information:


Start Date: Friday, February 21, 2025

End Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025

Fairfield Inn & Suites Flint Grand Blanc 


Judging Format

  • Digital Engineering Notebooks must be submitted by the Primary or Secondary Contact through the Team Dashboard Robot Events by February 17, 2025 @ 5:00 pm.
  • Content that is uploaded after February 17, 2025 may not be eligible for Judging consideration.
  • Each Team will have an opportunity for an in-person interview with the Judges. Judges will visit Teams' pits.
  • Please see the Remote Judging section of the Guide to Judging for more information.











We are also excited to welcome the Association for Advancing Automation (A3) as a sponsor of this amazing event. A3 has created a special award for this event, the A3 Robot Safety Award. State Championship competing teams who wish to be considered for the award will need to bring the completed form to the A3 table in the recreation center at Kettering University by 4 PM on Friday, February 21.

A3 Robotics Safety Award - Judging Rubric - Applic



2 teams are on the waitlist for this event.

Please login to add or remove teams from the waiting list.