2024 University of Kansas LEEP Higher V5RC, MS; Lawrence, KS
VEX V5 Robotics Competition, MS, Virtual Judging
- Date
- 22-Nov-2024 - 23-Nov-2024 Add to Calendar
- Event Code
- RE-V5RC-24-5780
- Program
- VEX V5 Robotics Competition
- Event Type
- Tournament
- Event Format
- In-Person
- Field Control System
- VEXNet Field Control
- Capacity
- 16
- Spots Open
- 2
- Event Region
- Kansas
- Max Registrations per Organization
- 5
- Standard Registration Opens
- 1-Aug-2024 12:00 EDT
- Registration Deadline
- 8-Nov-2024 12:00 EST
- Payment Deadline
- 1-Nov-2024 12:00 EDT
- Price
- $45.00
- This event has reached capacity. Teams on waitlist may still be added.
- It is past the registration deadline.
General Info
This is a Middle School VEX V5 VRC Tournament and will be held at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS.
High School Event: https://www.robotevents.com/robot-competitions/vex-robotics-competition/RE-V5RC-24-9032.html#general-info
College Event: https://www.robotevents.com/robot-competitions/college-competition/RE-VURC-24-5797.html#general-info
This event is open to all VRC teams from any region. The event will be held in KU's LEEP2 building Friday evening and Saturday morning. Attendance on Friday night is optional, but this will allow teams to run skills the night before and reduce skills lines on Saturday. We highly recommend teams who want to get all 6 skills runs in attend the Friday night session as the Saturday will be busy and fast paced. Each team will be scheduled for 7 qualficiation matches. We will have at least 2 competition fields and skills on those compeition fields in the morning before the event starts. Which awards qualify for the ERC won't come out until later but Excellence and hopefully Tournament Champions will qualify. If teams are willing to bring and set up a field, they will have one team's registration waived and receive Skills fast passes. Reach out to us ([email protected]) if this interests your organization. Your help with additional fields will lead to a better competition experience for everyone..
It you have any questions, please send them as an email directly to [email protected]. Multiple people are planning different aspects of this event and this shared email will ensure the right person will receive your question.
Additionally, after this event, KU will be hosting the first VexU event of the season. We encourage teams to stick around and volunteer at this event as they will have the oppourtunity to see some great robots in action.
Touring: If any members of any teams are interested in touring KU, please send an email and we will put you in contact with undergraduate recruitment.
Payment: Teams who have not paid by Nov 1st will be moved to the waitlist until payment is received. If your team has issues meeting this deadline, please reach out. Depending on the circumstances, teams may still be able to register and pay after the deadline.
Venue: This event will be hosted in KU's engineering complex (LEEP2). Pictures of the venue are in the image gallery (doesn't load on mobile)
Participation and Consent Form: All participants must complete the consent form online before attending the event.
Waiting List: If this event is full, please add your team to the waitlist. Additionally, if your team wishes to bring more than 4 teams to the event, add your additional teams to the waitlist and we will expand the max organizational limit if there are still empty spots.
Pits: there will be 1 pit room. We ask that parents stay out of these rooms as much as possible as there will be other seating. Each team will have a circular table approximately 7 ft in diameter. Each table will have 3 outlets.
Match queuing: there will be a livestream running to the pit room. Pit rooms are only a 1 minute walk from the fields. Each team will be responsible for making sure that they show up to their matches on time. Plan to show up to the queuing table as soon as it opens to your team. We have a tight schedule to keep and will start matches without teams if they are not there.
Food: teams are welcome to bring their own food to the event. There are vending machines in the venue and there is a small coffee shop that sells items like muffins and sandwiches in addition to drinks. This is run by KU dining services so we can’t guarantee they won’t run out later in the day.
Friday night: The Friday night part of the tournament is completely optional. During this time, teams may get inspected, run skills, and use the match fields for practice once they are set up. This is a great opportunity for teams who want to guarantee they'll get all 6 runs in or hate waiting in lines. The building will not be locked overnight so plan to take everything back with you.
Tabling: During the event, we will have KU clubs and a representative from the School of Engineering tabling to engage with students. This is a great way to pass the time between qual matches and learn more about KU's engineering program. We will also be running tours of the engineering campus throughout the day and have a guest speaker during the opening ceremony.
Grade Level: Middle School
Skills Challenge Offered: Yes
Judging Format: Remote Interviews & Notebooks
Event Dates & Locations
Date: 22-Nov-2024 - 23-Nov-2024
Venue/Location:1536 West 15th Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
United States
Contact the Event Partner
You must login to contact this Event PartnerCode of Conduct
The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.
For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.
It's a robotics tournament, so as you well know all times are subject to change. We do not have a set closing time on the Friday night but we will ensure that all teams are given the oppourtunity to get all 6 skills runs completed if desired. It is very important that we finish on time on the 23rd as we are hosting a VexU tournament in the same venue that afternoon and evening.
Friday 11/22 (optional):
17:30 Venue opens, check in opens
17:45 Inspection opens, skills challenge opens
??:?? Venue closes
Saturday 11/23:
6:30 Venue reopens, check in opens, skills re-opens, inspection re-opens
7:30 Inspection closes, skills closes, opening ceremonies and drivers meeting begin
8:00 Skills reopens, qualification matches begin
10:20 Skills closes, qualifications end, alliance selection begins immedietly
10:50 Eliminations begin
11:50 Eliminations end
12:00 Teams must have pit areas cleared
Events like this can't happen without volunteers. There are roles that require no prior experience and even opportunities for younger students. We can make arrangements for families to volunteer together. If you are interested in any position, please reach out to [email protected]
Food will be provided for all volunteers.
Additionally, if your team is willing to bring and setup a field Friday night, your team will have their registration fee waived and receive skills fast passes. Please reach out via email ( [email protected]) if you are willing to do this.
Emergency/Bad Weather Policy
The event will be cancelled only under extreme circumstances. If this occurs, teams will be notified through email. How we will move forward depends on why the event was cancelled, but we will most likely try to reschedule.
Refund and Payment Policies
If the Event Partner cancels the event:
This will only happen in the event of an emergency or bad weather and we are unable to reschedule. We will provide as close to a full refund as possible in this extremely unlikely event (certain event funds such as the RECF handling fee must be spent before the event occurs and those will not be refunded).
If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend:
Once a team has paid for the event, no refund will be given. Teams who do not pay by the payment deadline will be moved to the waitlist and potentially lose their spot. If special arrangements are made for a team to remain registered for the event after the payment deadline, teams will still be expected to pay in full regardless of whether or not that team attends as we will be unlikely to fill the spot on short notice.
Date: 22-Nov-2024 - 23-Nov-2024
Learned Engineering Expansion Phase 21536 West 15th Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
United States
Travel Info
LEEP2 at KU:
Parking on KU campus is free starting at 17:00 on Friday and all day Saturday if there are no sporting events. There shouldn't be a basketball game this year so teams should be able to park right across the street from the venue. Please make sure that you check the robotevents page and your contact email prior to the event to confirm parking locations.
The event will be livestreamed on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@9MotorGang
The actual link will be posted and shared closer to the time of the event.
Judging Format
All Remote Judging - All Initial Team Interviews will be conducted remotely, and Engineering Notebooks will be submitted to judges digitally via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. If this is a new experience for your team, please reach out to us ([email protected]) and we will guide you through the process. Initial Interviews and Notebook submission deadlines will be scheduled ahead of the event date. If your team changes your mind about receiving an remote interview, please reach out. Additionally, teams may receive follow up in person interviews the day of the event.
Notebook Submisssions will be due Monday, November 11th at 4PM CST
Virtual Inteviews will open for registration shortly and teams will be notified via email.