Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

West Grove Open Qualifier - Blended

VEX IQ Robotics Competition Rapid Relay

8-Dec-2024 Add to Calendar
Event Code
VEX IQ Robotics Competition
Event Type
Event Format
Field Control System
Spots Open
Event Region
Pennsylvania - East
Max Registrations per Organization
Early-Bird Registration Opens
26-Oct-2024 12:00 EDT
Standard Registration Opens
27-Oct-2024 12:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
5-Dec-2024 12:00 EST
Payment Deadline
9-Dec-2024 12:00 EST
This event is closed to registration because:
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info

General Info

Thank you for your interest in our event. Please check the website as the event date approaches for updates to the event. Please be flexible as our agenda is tentative and subject to change. 

Volunteers: Please consider volunteering at our event. You are welcome to share this link with parents, family and friends.

Concessions: Concessions and Pizza Lunch will be available

Consent Forms: All participants must have a Participant Release Form on file. It is the responsibility of the Team’s Primary Contact to make sure this occurs. A link to the instructions on how to submit a Participant Release Form is found HERE.

Digital Notebook: A digital Engineering Notebook (or scanned copy of a written notebook) must be submitted to qualify for the Excellence Award and Design Award. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. Notebooks must be submitted by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 3, 2024 if you want it considered for judging. The notebook is only shared with event staff, including the Event Partner, Judge Advisor, and Judges, and may include the REC Foundation EEM. Details on this process are given in the Judge Guide Addendum.

Inspection: Inspection is scheduled first thing in the morning. All teams must pass inspection to be allowed to compete in either skills or qualification matches. Please be prepared and ensure that your robot will pass inspection BEFORE the competition by reviewing the INSPECTION CHECKLIST.

Interviews: All teams will be interviewed in-person at the event. Judges will come to interview teams in the morning prior to qualification matches and will leave a note at your table if they miss you. Please leave a representative at your pit area at all times so they can come get you when the judges are ready for your team.

Tournament: Teams should carefully review the GAME MANUAL. Know the rules!!

If you have any questions or issues prior to the day of the event, please feel free to contact Stephanie Shrake by email at [email protected].


Grade Level: Elementary

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Grade Level: All

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 8-Dec-2024

Avon Grove High School
10 Waltman Way
West Grove, Pennsylvania 19390
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.



Wednesday, December 3

  • Notebooks Due at 5:00 pm

Sunday, December 8

  • 8:00 am--Doors open
  • 8:30 am--Inspection & skills begin
  • 10:40 am--Team meeting
  • 11:00 am--Qualification matches begin
  • 12:00 pm--Lunch break
  • 12:45 pm--Qualification matches resume
  • 3:30 pm--Alliance selection
  • 3:45 pm--Finals begin
  • 4:30 pm--Awards



Volunteers are an important part of our competitions and are greatly appreciated!! If you would be willing to volunteer, please contact Stephanie Shrake at [email protected]. There is no experience necessary for most positions, and we will train you. AND we will provide lunch, snacks and drinks for you on competition day. 

Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

If weather, a local emergency, or enhanced coronavirus restrictions cause us to cancel or modify the scheule for this event, all teams will be notified via email.

Refund and Payment Policies

Refunds will only be made if the event is cancelled by the Avon Grove School District. i.e. Inclement Weather, COVID-19, etc. Refunds will NOT include the $5 processing fee assessed by Robot Events. Refunds will be coordinated thru the billing contact for the team. For refund questions, email: [email protected]

Registration fees are due 1 week prior to the event
- If your school requires a PO – Purchase Order, please let us know.    
- If your team hasn’t paid by the registration fee due date, your team will be placed on the waitlist. 

Registration fees will not be refunded for teams that register but choose not to come.  

Health and Safety Policies

Our event health and safety policy will follow the most stringent requirements of the Avon Grove School District and Federal, State, and local governments.

These policies will be subject to change based on any policy updates at the time of the event. These policies will be clearly communicated as information update emails.

Judging Format

In Person Team Interviews
Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event in the pit area in the morning during the skills competition.

Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions
A digital Engineering Notebook (or scanned copy of a written notebook) must be submitted to qualify for the Excellence Award and Design Award. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. Notebooks must be submitted by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 3 and Judges, and may include the REC Foundation EEM. Details on this process are given in the Judge Guide Addendum.