Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Kenosha Robo Crew VEX IQ Robotics Competition League

Blended VEX IQ League - Sponsored by Jockey International

11-Nov-2024 - 10-Feb-2025
Event Code
VEX IQ Robotics Competition
Event Type
Event Format
Field Control System
Spots Open
Event Region
Standard Registration Opens
9-Sep-2024 16:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
8-Nov-2024 16:00 EST
Payment Deadline
28-Oct-2024 16:00 EDT
This event is closed to registration because:
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info


Welcome to the 2024-2025 SE Wisconsin VEX IQ Competition League! This is our first year running a league in Southeast Wisconsin and we are super excited to create more practice opportunities for students in the area. Managed by Shoreland Lutheran High School, this league is sponsored by Jockey International. A huge thank-you to our partners: Kenosha YMCA and the Kenosha Emerging Leaders Academy. This would not be possible without the support of the Jockey STEM / Robotics Initiative, which has helped to kickstart and care for various STEM and Robotics opportunities for children and young adults in the Kenosha area. We look forward to growing with your team this season as you improve your robots and your skills with each competition. Blessings on your season!

Registration Information

All participating teams must be registered with VEX Robotics and the Robot Events website and have an official team number before registering for this event. Tournament fees must be paid before teams are allowed to compete. Registration and payments should be made through the Robot Events website, or by mailing a check to Shoreland Lutheran High School at 9026 12th Street, Kenosha, WI 53144. Please contact the EP, Caleb Lash at [email protected] if you are mailing a payment. Payments are due the Friday before the League begins (11/8/24).

NOTE: Venues are still tentative. The Ranking Session on February 3 will likely be held at a different location, not SLHS. This will be updated as soon as it is verified.

Ranking Sessions

There are five Ranking Sessions available for the Leauge, listed in the Event Dates / Venue Tab. Each Ranking Session will begin at 5:30 pm. After Check-in, Robot Inspection, and a brief Drivers Meeting, we will begin Ranking Matches at 6:00 pm and run matches until around 7:30 pm. Each team will be scheduled 4 Ranking Matches per session. Skills Challenge Matches will be available after matches finish until 8:00 pm.

Finals Session

The Finals Session will begin at 5:30. After Check-in, Robot Inspection, and an Event Meeting, each team will be scheduled two Ranking Matches. When these matches are finished, Finals Rankings and Finals Alliances will be announced. Finals Matches will begin at 7:20 with awards to follow. The Finals Session will likely finish around 8:00 pm, but may stay open in order to allow for Skills Competition attempts.

Skills Competition

Skills Competition attempts will be available at all Sessions. However, due to restricted time (Monday nights) and fields, do not expect to be able to attempt all 6 Skills Competition runs at every Session. It will depend on how many teams are making attempts. Each team will be allowed 1 attempt of their choice before returning to the back of the line.

Attendance Requirements

In order to receive an accurate ranking, teams must compete in 60% or more of the available ranking matches. This means competing in at least 3 of the 5 ranking sessions. Keep in mind that Ranking Sessions may get canceled due to severe weather conditions, so it is a good idea to plan to compete in at least 4 of the 5 Ranking Sessions. If you know you will not be attending a Ranking Session, please fill out THIS FORM.

Competition Preparation

Although the League is a great way to get practice with competition, teams are still expected to be prepared for competition so that we can complete all of the matches within a timely manner. Here are a few steps that every team should take to ensure that they are prepared.

Review all game information: Current Game Webpage

  1. Review the rules and run through the inspection checklist about a week before the competition so that there is ample time for adjustments. Robots must use VEX IQ parts. Please self inspect before arriving at the tournament using the IQ Robot Inspection Checklist

  2. Check the official VEX forums for rule updates and changes.

  3. Carefully read all of the information contained in the league event posting on

  4. Pack for the event the day before the day of departure. Here are a few items that you don't want to forget.

    • Spare parts & tools

    • Batteries and chargers

    • Power strip and extension cord

    • Laptop computer

    • Programming cable

    • Giveaways if you have them

  5. Be sure to read  VEX Tournaments 101.

  6. Remember that safety comes first, please don't bring tools that pose a safety risk to your team, or others nearby, as teams are close to each other in the venue pit area. Also, remember no grinding or other actions that create sparks, ask the tournament director for a safe location if grinding is needed.

  7. Ensure that you have the latest version of programming software and firmware for your IQ Brain.

Participation and Consent Form

A completed form for all participants must be uploaded to prior to the tournament. Team leaders will need to check that all team members attending the event have completed the online consent form prior to the tournament. Instructions on how to upload consent forms in English or Spanish is given here: VEX Consent Form. There is also a consent form specific to the SE Wisconsin VEX IQ Robotics League. Please make sure each participant fills this out and returns it to Caleb Lash before attending your first session.

A secondary consent form is required by the partners of the Kenosha Robo Crew. Please email a filled out copy to the Event Partner at [email protected] prior to the first session you are competing in. Or, fill out this form to request an E-sign document for each individual.

Grade Level: All

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: No Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 11-Nov-2024
Shoreland Lutheran High School
9026 12th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States
Date: 2-Dec-2024
Kenosha Lutheran Academy - Upper Campus
5043 20th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
United States
Date: 6-Jan-2025
Kenosha Emerging Leaders Academy
2222 63rd Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143
United States
Date: 20-Jan-2025
Kenosha YMCA
7101 53rd Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States
Date: 3-Feb-2025
Bullen Middle School
2804 39th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States
Date: 10-Feb-2025
Shoreland Lutheran High School
9026 12th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


Ranking Sessions Agendas

There are five Ranking Sessions available for the Leauge, listed in the Event Dates / Venue Tab. Here is the agenda for each Ranking Session:

5:15-5:30: Arrive at the Venue.

5:30-5:45: Check-in and Robot Inspection (May be available prior to 5:30)

5:45-5:55: Event Meeting

6:00-7:30: Ranking Matches (Matches are 60 seconds and the goal is to start a new match every 90 seconds, please be prepared to arrive and depart matches in a timely fashion)

7:30-8:00: Skills Competition is available on all fields


*Practice Field* - There will be one practice field available at the ranking session, this is the schedule for that field.

5:15-6:30: Open for practicing

6:30-8:00: Open for Skills Competition Attepmts


Finals Session Agenda

5:15-5:30: Arrive at the Venue.

5:30-5:45: Check-in and Robot Inspection (May be available prior to 5:30)

5:45-5:55: Event Meeting

6:00-6:50: Ranking Matches (2 per team)

6:50-7:00: Rankings and Alliances Announced

7:20-7:50: Finals Matches (1 per team)

7:50-8:00: Awards Presentation

8:00-8:30: Skills Competition is available on all fields


Please be prepared to fill one volunteer slot throughout the league per team that you have entered. If required, information regarding how to sign up will be given at a later date.

If you know anyone that is interested in volunteering in any capacity, please have them contact Caleb Lash ([email protected]).

Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

In the case of an emergency or severe weather resulting in the cancellation of a session, the plan of action depends on which session is being canceled:

  • Ranking Session - There is no make-up date for a ranking session, since only 3 need to be offered in order for a league to be official. If a third session is cancelled, there will be a rain-date held prior to the Finals Session being run.
  • Finals Session - The make-up date for the Finals Session would be one of the days February 11-14.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: 

Each team will be refunded the price of entry, minus the $5 roboticsevents processing fee and any credit card fees.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend:

There is no refund if the coach or mentor withdraws or does not attend the event.

Date: 11-Nov-2024
Shoreland Lutheran High School
9026 12th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States
Date: 2-Dec-2024
Kenosha Lutheran Academy - Upper Campus
5043 20th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
United States
Date: 6-Jan-2025
Kenosha Emerging Leaders Academy
2222 63rd Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143
United States
Date: 20-Jan-2025
Kenosha YMCA
7101 53rd Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States
Date: 3-Feb-2025
Bullen Middle School
2804 39th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States
Date: 10-Feb-2025
Shoreland Lutheran High School
9026 12th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144
United States

Travel Info

Information regarding travel/parking/etc will be updated for each location as we get closer to each Session.


Ranking #3 Livestream Link

Judging Format

No Judging









A secondary consent form is required by the partners of the Kenosha Robo Crew. Please email a filled out copy to the Event Partner at [email protected] prior to the first session you are competing in.

Kenosha Robo Crew Waiver



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