The Stormy VEXU Tournament
Hosted by Chemeketa Community College
- Date
- 10-Feb-2024 Add to Calendar
- Event Code
- RE-VEXU-23-4737
- Program
- VEX U Robotics Competition
- Event Type
- Tournament
- Event Format
- In-Person
- Field Control System
- VEXNet Field Control
- Capacity
- 12
- Spots Open
- 12
- Event Region
- Oregon
- Standard Registration Opens
- 6-Nov-2023 20:00 EST
- Registration Deadline
- 2-Feb-2024 14:27 EST
- Payment Deadline
- 8-Jan-2024 14:33 EST
- Price
- $55.00
- This event has been canceled.
- It is past the registration deadline.
General Info
Febrary 10th in the NW Ag Hub at Chemeketa Community College.
Contact Charles Sekafetz, [email protected] for specific details.
Grade Level: College
Skills Challenge Offered: Yes
Judging Format: All In-Person Judging
Event Dates & Locations
Date: 10-Feb-2024
Venue/Location:4000 Lancaster Drive Northeast
Salem, Oregon 97305
United States
Contact Information
You must login to contact this Event PartnerAgenda
8:00am Venue Opens
8:30 - 9:00am Inspections
9:15am - Opening Ceremonies
9:45 - 12:00pm Qualifying Matches
12:00 - 12:30pm Lunch Break
12:30 - 1:00pm Qualifying Matches
1:00 - 3:00pm Elimination Rounds
3:20 - 3:40pm Awards Ceremony
3:45 pm Cleanup & Breakdown
All volunteers please register here and contact Charles Sekafetz for specific details and assignments.
Emergency/Bad Weather Policy
The Stormy Robotics Tournament is an annual event held at Chemeketa Community College.
This Emergency Plan is specific for this event and any Chemeketa Community College policy that specifies anything different will supersede this plan and will be adhered to.
Emergency Personnel Names and Phone Numbers
Chemeketa Community College
Public Safety
From any campus phone 5023
Risk Management
John McIlvain
Chemeketa VEX Event Coordinator
Charles Sekafetz
503-399-6254 (W)
503-409-0919 (P)
Emergency Numbers
Security - 5023
Fire Department - 911
Paramedics - 911
Ambulance - 911
Police - 911
Facilities - 503-399-5157
Emergency Reporting
All of these types of emergencies are to be reported to public safety x5023.
As with any critical emergency call 911 first.
Medical - Public Safety 5023
Fire - Public Safety 5023
Weather related hazards - Public Safety 5023
Bomb Threats - Public Safety 5023
Spills - Public Safety 5023
Structure - Public Safety 5023
Power Loss - Public Safety 5023
Other - Public Safety 5023
Evacuation Routes
Evacuation route maps will be posted at the doors.
The following information is marked on evacuation maps:
1. Emergency exits
2. Primary and secondary evacuation routes
3. Locations of fire extinguishers
4. Fire alarm pull stations’ location
5. Assembly points
a. Primary - Orange Lot
b. Secondary - Tennis Courts
Please see next page for evacuation route map.
Evacuation Procedures
All participants and staff are to proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly manner.
All participants and staff will make their way to the Orange lot assembly point.
If Orange lot is not available, then all participants and staff will assemble at the tennis courts.
The Chemeketa Event Coordinator will perform a building sweep if deemed safe to do.
Coaches and mentors will conduct a head count of their teams.
Coaches and mentors will relay their final count to the VEX Robotics Commissioner who will relay the information to the Chemeketa VEX Event Coordinator.
The Chemeketa VEX Event Coordinator will then inform Chemeketa Public Safety of any missing participants or staff from the roll call.
All Chemeketa staff and volunteers will report to the Chemeketa VEX Event coordinator directly.
The Chemeketa VEX Coordinator will directly relay to public safety and emergency personnel any missing participants or staff and last known location.
Medical Emergency
• Call medical emergency phone number (911 and then 5023) for any of the following
- Paramedics
- Ambulance
- Fire Department
Provide the following information:
a. Nature of medical emergency,
b. Location of the emergency,
Chemeketa Community College
4000 Lancaster Dr. NE
Salem, Oregon
Building 7
c. Your name and phone number from which you are calling.
• Do not move victim unless absolutely necessary.
• If CPR and First Aid trained personnel are available to provide the required assistance prior to the arrival of the professional medical help allow then to do so.
• If personnel trained in First Aid are not available, as a minimum, attempt to provide the following assistance:
1. Stop the bleeding with firm pressure on the wounds (note: avoid contact with blood or other bodily fluids).
2. Clear the air passages using the Heimlich Maneuver in case of choking.
• In case of rendering assistance to personnel exposed to hazardous materials, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment.
Attempt first aid ONLY if trained and qualified.
Fire Emergency
When fire is discovered:
• Activate the nearest fire alarm
• Notify the local Fire Department by calling 911 or on a campus phone 5023.
• If the fire alarm is not available, notify the site personnel about the fire emergency by the following means:
- Voice Communication - Use the PA systems in the Pit area and tournament area.
- Phone - Public Safety 503-399-5023
Fight the fire ONLY if:
• The Fire Department has been notified
• The fire is small and is not spreading to other areas.
• Escaping the area is possible by backing up to the nearest exit.
• The fire extinguisher is in working condition and personnel are trained to use.
Upon being notified about the fire emergency, occupants must:
• Leave the building using the designated escape routes.
• Assemble in the Orange Parking Lot
• Remain outside until the competent authority (Public Safety or Chemeketa VEX Event Coordinator) announces that it is safe to reenter.
The Designated Official or Emergency Coordinator:
• Coordinates an orderly evacuation of personnel.
• Performs an accurate head count of personnel reported to the designated area.
• Provides the Fire Department personnel with the necessary information about the facility.
• Perform assessment and coordinate weather forecast
• Ensure that all employees have evacuated the area/floor.
Assistants to Physically Challenged should:
• Assist all physically challenged employees in emergency evacuation.
Extended Power Loss
In the event of extended power loss to a facility certain precautionary measures should be taken:
• Unnecessary electrical equipment should be turned off in the event that power restoration would surge causing damage to electronics and effecting sensitive equipment.
Upon Restoration of heat and power:
• Electronic equipment should be brought up to ambient temperatures before energizing to prevent condensate from forming on circuitry.
• Stay calm and await instructions from the designated official.
• Keep away from overhead fixtures, windows, filing cabinets, and electrical power.
• Assist people with disabilities in finding a safe place.
• Evacuate as instructed by the designated official.
• Be ready to evacuate as directed by the designated official.
• Follow the recommended primary or secondary evacuation routes
• Stay calm and await instructions from the designated official.
• Stay indoors!
• If there is no heat:
- Close off unneeded rooms or areas.
- Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors.
• Eat and drink. Food provides the body with energy and heat. Fluids prevent dehydration.
• Wear layers of loose-fitting, light-weight, warm clothing, if available.
Chemical Spill
When a Large Chemical Spill has occurred:
• Immediately notify the designated official.
• Contain the spill with available equipment (e.g., pads, booms, absorbent powder, etc.).
• Secure the area and alert other site personnel.
• Do not attempt to clean the spill unless trained to do so.
• Attend to injured personnel and call the medical emergency number, if required.
Bomb Threat
Contact Public Safety 503-399-6254 at once and follow their directions. Evacuate as directed.
During the call:
- Try to listen to details about the caller
- Be calm and courteous to the caller.
- Do not interrupt the caller.
- Try to get details from the caller: when, where, how
- Remind caller that building is occupied.
- Any other details: name, location, phone
Chemeketa Community College covers insurance for staff while working during the event.
Volunteers private insurance covers them during the event.
Participants private insurance covers them during the event unless it is part of a sanctioned school program where the school districts insurance covers them at that time.
Refund and Payment Policies
If the Event Partner cancels the event:
Registration funds will be returned to the each team through standard college procedures.
If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend:
Registration funds will not be returned.
Judging Format
All In-Person Judging - The Team Interviews and Engineering Notebooks will be judged in-person the day of the event. Teams should bring a physical copy of their notebook to submit to the judges.
4 teams are on the waitlist for this event.