Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

2025 North Central Aerial Drone Championship Ingenuity (MS)

Middle School Division at Kettering University in Flint, Michigan

17-May-2025 - 18-May-2025 Add to Calendar
Event Code
Aerial Drone Competition
Event Type
Field Control System
Spots Open
Event Region
North Central
Standard Registration Opens
14-Nov-2024 18:00 EST
Registration Deadline
29-Apr-2025 12:00 EDT
Payment Deadline
2-May-2024 22:53 EDT

Login to Register

General Info

Welcome to the 2025 North Central Aerial Drone Competition Championship

This event will recognize teams from 10 states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
and 3 Canadian provinces: Manitoba, Nunavut, Ontario.

We are excited to have you. Please check our page frequently for updates to the schedule, we will be adding more details, agendas and travel arrangements soon.

Payment Deadlines
Please read below for the steps in getting your team setup to compete. All teams not paid in full will not be allowed to participate.

  • Teams that register for an Aerial Drone Championship on or before February 28, 2025, will have four weeks to register and pay by credit card, check or PO for the Championship event. 

  • Teams that register on or after March 1, 2025, will have two weeks to register and pay by credit card, check or PO for the Championship event.

  • Teams that are invited for an Aerial Drone Regional Championship through the World Skills list or from the Waitlist will have one week to register and pay by credit card, check, or purchase order. 
  • Teams that do not pay by the above deadlines may be moved to the waiting list of the event at the event partner’s discretion.

Mandatory: All participants must have a Participant Release Form on file. It is the responsibility of the Team’s Primary Contact to make sure this occurs. A link to the instructions on how to submit a Participant Release Form is found here.

Competition Logbook: A digital Competition Logbook (or scanned copy of a written logbook) must be submitted digitally by 5:00pm EST on May 2nd for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents if you want it considered for judging. The notebook is only shared with event staff, including the Event Partner, Judge Advisor, and Judges, and may include the REC Foundation Support Team. Details on this process are given in the Judge Guide Addendum. For detailed competition logbook submission instructions, please see this page.

Inspection: Inspection will occur at the beginning of the tournament. Please be prepared and ensure that your drone will pass inspection BEFORE the competition by reviewing the Inspection Checklist located under the Documents Tab.

Deadlines: Please pay close attention to the timeline and check back often for any changes.

  • May 2nd- Digital Competition Logbooks Due

Interviews: Registered teams will be interviewed in person at the event.

Grade Level: Middle School

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 17-May-2025 - 18-May-2025

Kettering University Connie and Jim John Recreation Center
1700 University Avenue
Flint, Michigan 48504
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner


Friday, May 2, 2025

  • 5:00 pm EST—All Competition Logbooks must be submitted digitally via the link in your Robot Events account.

Saturday, May 17, 2025

  • 8:30 am — Registration Begins 
  • 9:15 am — Inspection Begins
  • 9:30 am — Autonomous Flight Skills and Practice Fields Open
  • 11:00 am — Registration Ends 
  • 11:30 am — Lunch Break (Skills Closed)
  • 12:30 pm — Opening Ceremony/Team Meeting
  • 1:00 pm — Qualification Matches Begin
  • 5:30 pm — Qualification Matches End and Autonomous Skills/Practice Fields Close
  • 6:00 pm — Venue Closes

Sunday, May 18, 2025

  • 8:30 am — Venue Opens
  • 9:00 am — Opening Ceremony
  • 9:15 am — Piloting Flight Skills Resumes and Practice Fields Resume
  • 9:30 am — Qualification Matches Resume
  • 12:00 pm — Lunch Break (Skills Closed)
  • 1:00 pm — Qualification Matches Resume
  • 2:30 pm — Qualification Matches and Piloting Flight Skills End
  • 2:45 pm — Alliance Selection
  • 3:30 pm — Elimination/Finals Matches
  • 5:30 pm — Awards & Closing Ceremony

All times are EST. The schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please check back often for updates.


We welcome volunteers for our event. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Christopher Cunnington via e-mail:  [email protected].

We have many different needs from simply sitting at a table checking people in to being a scorekeeper/referee or a judge.

No prior experience is needed. 

Certification Courses for Judge Advisors and Head Referees are available at

This website has a list of most roles with a brief description - 


Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

If the weather makes you late for the event or prevents you from attending, please immediately contact Christopher Cunnington by phone (810-730-9233) on the day of the event and by email ([email protected]) before the event.

If the event is canceled due to weather or any other unforeseen circumstance, it will be posted here on this event website.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the event partner cancels the event:

  • Refunds minus fees accessed by the REC Foundation will be issued in the cases of an event cancellation.  (Per the fee structure, $5.00 of each registration is used by their organization for processing and is not refundable plus there is a 3% credit card fee charged for processing credit card payments.)

If a team registers and decides not to attend the event: 

  • No refunds will be issued to "no show" teams.

Health and Safety Policies

All events and event attendees are required to follow all local, state, federal, or any other government ordinances regarding safety procedures, social distancing, and best hygiene practices. We will continually assess, based on current government guidelines, whether to postpone, cancel, or significantly reduce the number of attendees when necessary.

Date: 17-May-2025 - 18-May-2025
Kettering University Connie and Jim John Recreation Center
1700 University Avenue
Flint, Michigan 48504
United States

Travel Info

coming soon


Watch Live on Twitch.

Judging Format

In Person Team Interviews
Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event in the pit area in the morning during the skills competition.

Competition Logbook Submissions
Competition Logbook: A digital Competition Logbook (or scanned copy of a written notebook) must be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents by 5:00 pm on Friday, May 2, 2025 if you want it considered for judging. The notebook is only shared with event staff, including the Event Partner, Judge Advisor, and Judges, and may include the REC Foundation Support Team. Details on this process are given in the Judge Guide Addendum.

Competition Logbook

Competition Logbook: A digital Competition Logbook (or scanned copy of a written notebook) must be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents by 5:00 pm on Friday, May 2, 2025 if you want it considered for judging. For detailed competition logbook submission instructions, please see this page. The notebook is only shared with event staff, including the Event Partner, Judge Advisor, and Judges, and may include the REC Foundation Support Team. Details on this process are given in the Judge Guide Addendum.













1 teams are on the waitlist for this event.

Please login to add or remove teams from the waiting list.