Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

2271: Creating PDF's of notebooks

Richard VanGilder (Event Partner)

Can an event partner or judge advisor create PDF’s of the notebooks? If they do, where do they save them or can they save them? The teams will not be able to update their notebooks IAW section 8 of the Guide to Juding:

“Once a Digital Engineering Notebook (DEN) link is uploaded via RobotEvents, teams may still update their DEN on an ongoing basis, even on event day. Notebook content is expected to change over time, which is part of the Engineering Design Process.”

Answered by Competition Judging Committee

If Engineering Notebooks are being submitted digitally, then they should be viewed digitally via the links submitted by the team on RobotEvents.

Not every Digital Engineering Notebook (DEN) is able to be easily converted into a PDF file. An Event Partner or Judge Advisor converting Engineering Notebooks into a different format than from what is contained in the link that teams have uploaded changes the presentation of the notebook without any input from the team, leading to potential loss of information or organization methods that may not transfer formats properly.

If an Event Partner or Judge Advisor would like to evaluate Engineering Notebooks physically, then they should request teams bring physical copies of their notebook to the event. This gives the team an opportunity to present their notebook in a way that preserves its informational and organizational integrity.

It is not permitted for an Event Partner or Judge Advisor to require teams format their notebooks in a specific way, beyond the two methods outlined in the Guide to Judging: A physical copy, or submitted via a link on RobotEvents.