Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

2040: Restrictions on Award Ceremony Announcer

Dale Nacianceno

Page 14, Guide to Judging:


• Conduct several tasks depending on the needs at the event, including:


o Present awards to teams during the award ceremony

Page 15, Guide to Judging:

Once all awards are decided, the Judge Advisor takes them to the Event Partner and/or Tournament Manager Operator to be put into Tournament Manager.

From the list below, who is allowed to announce awards?

  1. Judge Advisor
  2. Judge
  3. Event Partner/TM Operator
  4. Referees and other volunteers
  5. Someone who is attending the competition for the sole purpose of announcing awards
Answered by Competition Judging Committee

We have kept this open ended, as there are a number of different circumstances that are acceptable for announcing awards:

  • Judges announce awards, as assigned by the Judge Advisor / agreed upon by individual judges.
  • Judge Advisor announces all awards.
  • Master of Ceremonies (Emcee) announces awards.
  • Event Partner announces awards.
  • Special guests or VIPs announce awards.
  • Additional appropriate options for announcing awards that do not fall under the above categories.

This process is designed to be flexible to accommodate a myriad of different circumstances. Ultimately, this is a non-gameplay decision that would fall under the purview of the Event Partner under rule <T4> in the Game Manual.