Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

South Clearfield Elementary Broken Heart Competition- VIQRC Full Volume:ES: Afternoon

VIQRC, ES Only, Remote Engineering Notebooks

24-Feb-2024 Add to Calendar
Event Code
VEX IQ Robotics Competition
Event Type
Event Format
Field Control System
Spots Open
Event Region
Max Registrations per Organization
Standard Registration Opens
14-Nov-2023 20:00 EST
Registration Deadline
23-Feb-2024 14:15 EST
Payment Deadline
1-Nov-2023 15:08 EDT
This event is closed to registration because:
  • This event currently has no spaces available.
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info

Concession will be available for student purchase. All items will be a $1.00 each. We will be accepting cash and card.


Please plan on decorating your pits to match the theme of Broken Heart. The team with the best pit decorations will receive a prize. 



This event will have all Remote Engineering Notebooks. Teams must upload their enigneering notebook link to their Robot Events account one week prior to the event. Late uploads and day of the event submissions will not be accepted. The Team Interviews will be in-person on the day of the event. 




Grade Level: Elementary

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 24-Feb-2024

South Clearfield Elementary
990 East 700 South
Clearfield, Utah 84015
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Team Set-up, Check-in, & Inspection
2:00 pm - 2:10 pm Event meeting
2:15 pm - 4:30 pm Teamwork Challenges (at least 6 matches for each team)
4:30 pm - 4:50 pm Finals Matches (8 alliances)
4:50 pm - 5:00 pm Awards

1:15 pm - 4:20 pm Skills Challenges*/Judging**

* Each team will be allowed 3 skills runs for both Driver Skills and Autonomous Skills. 

** Judging will include judging for the Excellence Award, Design Award, and Judges Award. 


If you would like to volunteer, please contact George Pandoff at [email protected] or call 801-628-8211.

Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

If the weather is bad, please stay home. We will re-schedule.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: Refunds will be given minus the $5 non-refundable Robot Events fee. 

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend: this will be handled on a case-by-case basis and may include no refund given.

Event payment is due on November 4, 2023. Teams that have not paid will be moved to the waitlist. 

Judging Format


 Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews: Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation  via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. A submission deadline that may be scheduled ahead of the event date.