Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

LAUSD East VEX IQ League at Main Street Elementary

Elementary School Only

19-Oct-2023 - 25-Jan-2024
Event Code
VEX IQ Robotics Competition
Event Type
Event Format
In-Person Invitational
Field Control System
Spots Open
Event Region
California - South
Standard Registration Opens
4-Sep-2023 20:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
1-Nov-2023 20:00 EDT
Payment Deadline
2-Nov-2023 20:00 EDT
This event is closed to registration because:
  • It is past the registration deadline.

General Info

This league is primarily for teams from schools in LAUSD Region East. Teams from schools in other LAUSD Regions may participate if space is available.

When you register for this league, please choose Pay Later as your Payment Method and bring your league fee check for $155 per team to the first league session. Please make your check payable to Main Street Elementary School

Teams will be invited to submit Digital Engineering Notebooks online and to schedule Remote Judging interviews by December 18, the first day of Winter Recess. Remote Judging Interviews will be held during the two weeks before the final league session. Details will be sent to registered teams via email and posted on the Judging Format tab by November 30.

Before your first league session, teams need to upload the release forms for all student and adult team members in

The league will be meeting in Multi-Purpose Room.

Each league session begins with Team Check-in and Robot Inspection. Teams need to check in by 4:30 PM and robots need to pass inspection by 4:45 PM to be included in the Teamwork Challenge match schedule.

At Team Check In for the first league session, teams turn in league fee checks, verify that they have uploaded release forms for all team members, and sign up to provide one volunteer for at least one league session.

At the three Qualifying Sessions, each team will be scheduled in four Teamwork Challenge Qualifying Matches.

At the final Championship session in January, teams participate in up to three Driving Skills Matches and up to three Autonomous Coding Skills Matches. Robot Skills Challenge Matches are not scheduled. Judges may also request follow-up interviews with some teams. The Championship session concludes with Teamwork Challenge Finals Matches and Awards.

Teams need to provide at least one volunteer for at least one session. If we do not have enough volunteers, we may not be able to complete all scheduled matches. See the Volunteer tab for details.

We will have two competition fields and two practice fields at each session.

Food and beverages may be available for purchase.

Grade Level: Elementary

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: Remote Interviews & Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Date: 19-Oct-2023
Main Street Elementary School
129 East 53rd Street
Los Angeles, California 90011
United States
Date: 2-Nov-2023
Main Street Elementary School
129 East 53rd Street
Los Angeles, California 90011
United States
Date: 30-Nov-2023
Main Street Elementary School
129 East 53rd Street
Los Angeles, California 90011
United States
Date: 25-Jan-2024
Main Street Elementary School
129 East 53rd Street
Los Angeles, California 90011
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


Agenda for the first three league sessions, the Qualifying Sessions:

3:30-4:00 PM  Doors open. Set up
3:30-3:45 PM  Volunteers check in
4:00-4:30 PM  Teams check in
4:00-4:45 PM  Robot Inspection
4:45-5:00 PM  Opening Ceremony/Event Meeting/Announcements
5:00-7:00 PM  Teamwork Practice and Qualifying Matches
7:00-7:30 PM  Teams depart. Tear down. Doors close

Agenda for the last league session, the Championship Session:

3:30-4:00 PM  Doors open. Set up
3:30-3:45 PM  Volunteers check in
4:00-4:30 PM  Teams check in
4:00-4:45 PM  Robot Inspection
4:45-5:00 PM  Opening Ceremony/Announcements
4:15-7:00 PM  Robot Skills Matches
7:00-7:45 PM  Teamwork Finals Matches and Awards
7:45-8:15 PM  Teams depart. Tear down. Doors close


The league needs four trained volunteers that can attend all sessions

  • 1 Emcee, 2 Referees, 1 Computer Operator

Each team is invited to provide at least one volunteer for at least one session:

  • 1-2 Check-in, Queue Crew (one adult, second can be student)
  • 1-2 Robot Inspectors, Queue Crew (one adult, second can be student)
  • 2 Field Reset (students)
  • 1-2 Practice Field Official (one adult, second can be student)
  • 2 Remote Judges (adults, before Championship Session only)
  • 2 In-person Judges (adults, Championship Session only)

Volunteers can be scheduled at League Orientation or at Team Check In.

A brief overview of the volunteer roles is available online at:

Other volunteers are welcome. Please contact the Event Partner.

Emergency/Bad Weather Policy

If any session has to be cancelled, we will offer an additional session.

If league events can’t be held in person indoors, we will explore the possibility of holding the remaining league sessions in person outdoors. If league events can’t be held in person indoors or outdoors, then we will try to convert the remaining league sessions to Live Remote Tournaments. Skills events must be held in person, but it is possible to schedule one team at a time, to hold events outdoors, and to schedule events on weekends in January for better light and temperatures.

If teams are not allowed to meet in person, then teams will be encouraged to try VEXcode VR and to compete with the new VIQC Virtual Skills in VEXcode IQ:

The Event Partner will contact teams if any league sessions must be reschedules or modified. Teams should keep their contact information up to date on and include both school and non-school phone numbers.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: 

Full refunds minus the $5.00 processing fee will be provided if the event is cancelled prior to the first session. After the first session, partial refunds may be made at the discretion of the Event Partner.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend: 

Full refunds minus any processing fees will be available until one week before the first session. After that, refunds based on special circumstances may be made at the discretion of the Event Partner.

Judging Format

All Remote Judging - The Initial Team Interviews will be conducted remotely, and Engineering Notebooks will be submitted to judges digitally via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents.  Initial Interviews and Notebook submission deadlines may be scheduled ahead of the event date.

Teams will be invited to submit Digital Engineering Notebooks online and to schedule Remote Judging interviews by December 18, the first day of Winter Recess. Remote Judging Interviews will be held during the two weeks before the final league session. Details will be sent to registered teams via email and posted on the Judging Format tab by November 30.

Details posted 11/30/23:

For each team, by the Remote Judging Due Date on Monday, 12/18/2023, 5:00 PM PST:
    Submit Remote Judging Sign-Up Form at
    Submit Link to Digital Engineering Notebook on, My Account
    Submit online Participant Release Forms on, My Account

Remote Judging Interviews:  
    Thursday     01/04/2024    1:00 PM - 5:00 PM  (in Winter Recess)
    Friday          01/12/2024    4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Final league session:
    Thursday     01/29/2024    4:00 PM - 7:45 PM

Important Notes

  • Teams must submit a Remote Judging Sign-Up Form by the Due Date to be scheduled for a Remote Judging Team Interview.

    • The Sign-Up Form includes coach and alternate contact information.
    • The Sign-Up Form includes a link for a Team Photo.
      • The Team Photo should include students, coaches, mentors, and your robot with license plate visible.
    • The Sign-Up Form includes the team’s schedule preferences for Remote Judging Interviews in two-hour blocks.
  • Teams must submit a Link for their Digital Engineering Notebook by the Due Date to be eligible for the Excellence Award, Design Award, and Innovate Award.
    • Teams that created hardcopy Engineering Notebooks can convert them to Digital Engineering Notebooks. For example:
      • Scan each page and submit them as a PDF (preferred).
      • Photograph each page and submit them as a Photo Gallery.
  • All Remote Judging Interview participants (students and one adult) must submit the online Participant Release Form by the Due Date.
    • Your team members should have already done this if your team attended any previous events.
    • Any team member who does not have a Participant Release Form on file might not be allowed to participate in a Remote Judging Team Interview.
    • If the adult team member does not have a Participant Release Form on file, the team might not be allowed to participate in a Remote Judging Team Interview.
  • The Remote Judging Interview Schedule will be available a few days after the Due Date.
  • Remote Judging Team Interviews will be conducted using Zoom Breakout Rooms.
    • Link to Zoom meeting:
    • Team members will not be allowed to Chat or Share Screens during Remote Judging Team Interviews.
    • Team Interviews will be limited to 10 minutes.
    • Team Interviews will follow a script based on the Team Interview Rubric.
    • Team members should be prepared to show judges their robot construction and the most creative features of their robot.
  • The Engineering Notebook Rubric and Team Interview Rubric are in Judging Documents with the Guide to Judging and Judging Resources.

For additional information, contact LeRoy Nelson at  
    [email protected]  or  310-529-4637