I would like to expand on the question asked in the Q&A 2318, as it doesn't feel like it was fully answered and covers a scenario our team will encounter. (I did not see any other Q&A that asks this exact question either)
Scenario: our team will be attending three different competitions over a 10 day period. All three competitions have the same date for digital notebook submission deadline, posted in the My Account section of robotevents. While all the content will be finalized in their notebook at the deadline, there would be only one Innovate form filled out. That means two of the other events would see we didn't fill out the form correctly as it wouldn't match their event details and would assume that would disqualify the team from the innovate award at those two events? How should this scenario be handled?
Yes, I'm sure I could email the EP's to give them a heads up and likely be ok, but would prefer to have an official response as I'm sure we won't be the only team to have this scenario.