Can a block that is being returned to the field be placed into the direct control of a robot that is either partially or fully within the supply zones 3D confines as long as the block is placed within those 3 dimensional confines? An example of this would be to place a block on a robots conveyor or catapult mechanism that is hanging over, and in, the supply zone.
<SG3> Keep Blocks in the Field. Blocks that leave the Field during a Match may be returned to the Supply Zone by a Driver or Referee. Any Blocks which remain outside of the Field at the end of a Match will be considered “in” the Supply Zone (i.e., the Supply Zone will not be eligible to be Cleared). “Leaving the Field” means that a Block is outside of the Field Perimeter and no longer in contact with the Field, Field Elements, other Blocks, or Robots. If Blocks are removed from a Robot during a <G10> interaction, these Blocks are considered “out of the Field” as soon as they are no longer in contact with any Robots.