Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

The Q&A is closed for the 2021-2022 season. Any rule changes or clarifications pertaining to the 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship will be included in the April 5 Game Manual Update. Teams attending VEX Worlds who wish to pre-submit questions for the driver's meeting should have received a contact form via email; if not, please contact your REC Foundation Team Engagement Manager for more information.

Official Q&A: VIQC 2021-2022: Pitching In

Usage Guidelines All Questions

1000: Legal rubber band sizes

David Sankey (Event Partner)

Relevant rules: R7 j : A comprehensive list of legal parts can be found in the VEX IQ Challenge Legal Parts Appendix, at . This Appendix is updated as needed if / when new VEX IQ parts are released, and may not coincide with the scheduled Game Manual updates in G20.

R8 : Non-VEX IQ components. Robots are allowed to use the following additional “non-VEX IQ” components: b : Rubber bands that are identical in length and thickness to those included in the VEX IQ product line (#32 & #64).

The following document has all the legal parts for VEX IQ:

There are rubber bands available in the legal parts appendix that aren't #32 or #64. 228-2500-470 Silicone Rubber Band #117B 228-2500-1225 2x30 mm Square Silicone Belt

If teams want to use these on their robot, would they need to source them from kits or could they buy them from other sources as long as they are the same size?

Answered by committee

228-2500-470 is similar to a standard #117B rubber band. We will add this size to R8-b in a future Game Manual update, and it can be treated the same as a #32 or #64 rubber band (i.e. non-VEX sources are permissible).

228-2500-1225 is considered a belt, not a rubber band. It is similar to 228-2500-221, -222, -223, and -224. It will not be added to R8-b; therefore, non-VEX sources are not permitted.