Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspirando estudiantes, un robot a la vez.

Utah State Open VEX V5 Robotics Competition

Blended HS/MS, Remote Engineering Notebooks

11-Jan-2025 Add to Calendar
Código de evento
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Tipo de evento
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Plazas disponibles
Event Region
Standard Registration Opens
1-Oct-2024 08:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
3-Jan-2025 01:59 EST
Payment Deadline
3-Jan-2025 01:59 EST
This event is closed to registration because:
  • This event has reached capacity. Teams on waitlist may still be added.
  • It is past the registration deadline.

Información general

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Utah State Open V5RC, held on the campus of Utah State University in beautiful Logan, Utah! We are thrilled to welcome teams from across Utah and the Intermountain West to our event! This event is hosted by the Utah State University chapter of the Technology & Engineering Education Collegiate Association. Any proceeds remaining from registration fees after event expenses will go towards providing professional development and leadership training for future Technology and Engineering teachers.


Registration Deadlines:

REGISTRATION CLOSES AT 11:59 PM, Mountain Time on Friday, January 3, 2025. If you experience issues registering, please contact the event manager. See your registration confirmation email or the event information pages for additional deadlines and important information.

Competition Preparation:

This event is sure to be a fast-paced and exciting event. All teams should come prepared for competition. Here are a few steps that every team should take to ensure that they are prepared.

  1. Review the rules and run through the inspection checklist about a week before the competition so that there is ample time for adjustments. The inspection checklist can be found here. Check the official VEX forums for rule updates and changes.
  2. Carefully read all of the information contained in the tournament posting on
  3. Submit your electronic design notebook prior to the posted deadline 
  4. Submit participant consent forms online
  5. Pack for the event the day before the day of departure. Here are a few items that you don't want to forget.
    • Safety Glasses
    • Spare parts & tools
    • Batteries and chargers
    • Programming cable
    • Power strip
    • Laptop computer
    • Engineering Design Notebook (Submitted online prior to the event)
    • Banners and other decorations for your team pit area
    • Giveaways if you have them
  6. Review the descriptions and criteria for the awards that are being given during the tournament.
  7. Prepare for your interviews with the judges. Check the awards tab to see what awards will be given during the tournament.
  8. Remember that safety comes first, please don't bring tools or other items that pose a safety risk to your team, or others nearby. Also, remember no grinding or other actions that create sparks.
  9. Understand how the game will be played. VEX participants are more than welcome to watch the referee training videos before they attend a tournament.
  10. Ensure that you have the latest version of firmware.

We look forward to hosting you at the Utah State Open VRC!

Nivel académico : All

Concurso de habilidades de robots ofrecido: Sí

Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Fecha: 11-Jan-2025

Lugar / ubicación:
Glen L. Taggart Student Center
650 North 800 East
Logan, Utah 84322
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


Friday (January 10, 2025)
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM: Setup
9:00 PM: Venue closes

Saturday (January 11, 2025)
7:30 AM: Pits open, check-in and inspection begins
8:30 AM: Line for Check-in and Inspections Closes
9:00 AM: Welcome and Announcements
9:05 AM: Drivers meeting
9:30 AM: Qualifying matches*, Robot & Programming Skills**, Team Judging Interviews
12:00 PM:  Lunch
1:00 PM: Qualifying matches, Robot & Programming Skills, Team Judging Interviews
2:30 PM: Skills line closes
3:00 PM: Team judging interviews end (Judge deliberations begin)
3:30 PM: Qualifying matches end

Alliance selections begin 10 minutes after the end of Qualification rounds
Elimination rounds will begin 10 minutes after the Alliance selections
Awards will take place immediately following the final elimination match.

* Please be aware that the event will move with the matches. This means that your match may take place earlier than it is written on the schedule!!! Please keep track of matches and be sure you are at the queuing tables before your match is called to the field! Teams who are not present at the field at the match start time will be disqualified from that match. "Present" means that at least one person from the team is present to represent the team, with or without a robot and other team members. Matches will be started when the head referee arrives at the field, and will not be held for teams to get their robots to the field from the pit area. The head referee may, at his or her discretion, wait to begin a match if teams with robots on the field need a few extra seconds to ensure their robot is turned on and positioned correctly; however, this is not guaranteed and it is expected that teams will be ready to begin the match when the head referee arrives at the field.

** Each team will be offered exactly three attempts at Robot Skills Challenge and three attempts at Programming Skills Challenge. Missed runs cannot be made up. The skills line will close promptly at 2:30 PM in order to allow judges time to deliberate on awards. Teams not in line by 2:30 PM will lose any remaining skills runs.


**NEW THIS YEAR** Due to the growing size of this event, we ask each school/organization to provide at least one volunteer to assist with the event. This can be any responsible adult such as a parent, coach/mentor, etc. If your school/organization is bringing several teams, please consider providing multiple volunteers. Please have your volunteer(s) pre-register no later than January 3, 2025, by filling out the Volunteer Registration Form below so that we can organize early and order lunches. Lunch will be provided for all pre-registered volunteers. Pre-registered volunteers may be contacted prior to the event via email or text.

Click here to complete the Volunteer Registration Form

Day-of-event volunteers are welcome! However, we may not have enough lunches available for volunteers who do not pre-register.

Política de emergencia/mal tiempo

We understand that the roads can be dangerous if winter storms impact the I-15 corridor or Highways 89/91/30--particularly over mountain passes and in canyons.  We do not want teams taking unnecessary risks to get to our event. If you make the decision not to travel due to weather-related travel concerns, please notify us at the earliest opportunity. Refunds for weather-related reasons will be issued as long as notification is provided by 7:30 PM the evening before the event. Refunds for last-minute weather-related cancellations may be pro-rated based on costs already incurred (see refund policy).

Refund and Payment Policies

Event Fee: $60 (includes non-refundable $5 RECF fee)

Fee Payment Deadline: Friday, January 3 @ 11:59 PM (Mountain)

Delayed Payment: We understand that issues can occur that delay payment (such as POs not getting approved over winter break). Please do all you can to ensure timely payment (e.g., by submitting your POs in plenty of time). However, if issues do occur that will delay your payment beyond the deadline above, please contact the EP. We understand that these things sometimes happen, and are willing to accommodate unusual circumstances within reason. Notwithstanding, any teams who have registered but not paid prior to the event may not be allowed to compete.


If the Event Partner cancels the event: Refunds will be issued if the event is canceled.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event and then chooses to withdraw or not attend: Refunds will be issued for teams who notify the event partner of cancellation by 11:59 PM (MT) on Friday, January 3, OR by 7:30 PM (MT) the evening before the event for weather- or illness-related cancellations.

Because we incur significant venue and equipment costs early in the event planning process, any or all refunds may be pro-rated based on expenses already incurred at the time of cancellation (either by the event partner or team/coach/mentor). We will refund the maximum amount possible based on expenses already incurred.

All refunds will be less the $5 RECF fee. 

Health and Safety Policies

We encourage teams to exercise caution and good judgment if a team member or mentor/coach becomes ill. All participants are welcome, regardless of their preferences on mask-wearing, vaccination, or other health-related issues. We expect all participants, coaches, event staff, volunteers, and attendees to treat one another respectfully and courteously. See the refund policy for illness-related cancellations.

Date: 11-Jan-2025
Glen L. Taggart Student Center
650 North 800 East
Logan, Utah 84322
United States

Información de viaje


Click here for map


Parking and Dropoff Instructions:

Team members and robots can be dropped off in the roundabout on the northwest corner of the Taggart Student Center. Turn south at the light on the intersection of 700 N and 800 East and you will be at the roundabout. The TSC is the large, tan building directly to the southeast of the roundabout, across from the new Latter-day Saint Institute building. The west doors will be most convenient for drop-off. Please do not leave vehicles unattended during dropoff.

Event day parking is available either in the student and faculty/staff lots (Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Black, Brown, Orange, Red) which are unrestricted and free on Saturday, or in any of the paid parking structures ($2/hour, max $10/day). Volunteers helping with setup on Friday will need to park in a paid parking structure as student and faculty lots require a pass until 5 PM or later. Detailed parking information can be found here. Please note that USU Parking vigorously enforces parking regulations, and event staff are not responsible for any parking citations issued to attendees. Please note all parking signage and ensure that you are legally parked before leaving your vehicle.

If you are planning to bring a bus, please notify the Event Partner at your earliest convenience--no later than January 3, 2025 so that I can make parking arrangments for you.

Venue Information:

The event will be held on the second floor of the Taggart Student Center in the Sunburst International Lounge. The pit area will be in the Ballroom, just down the hall to the west of the lounge. Entrances and stairways are located on the southeast, south, and west sides of the building. An elevator is also available on the southeast side of the building across from The Hub food court for those who need it. A floor map of the building is available here.

Dining Options:

There are several eateries available on or adjacent to campus for team members, coaches, and spectators, as listed below. Lunch will be provided for event volunteers by USU Catering. USU Event services requires that we do not bring in outside food to the competition/pit area; however, students can eat at any of the locations below. The Hub downstairs has lots of tables and chairs where students can eat their lunch as long as they are courteous and respectful.

  • The Hub (food court) - Located on the first floor of the TSC, open 9 AM - 6 PM (app for online ordering is available - see signage in the Hub)
  • The Marketplace (buffet) - Located on the second floor of the TSC across from the Sunburst International Lounge, open 11 AM - 8 PM
  • Morty's Cafe (burgers, bowls, etc.) - Located 200 yards from the TSC at 780 E 700 N, open 8 AM - 9 PM
  • Aggie Creamery (ice cream, shakes, etc.) - Located at 750 North 1200 East, open 11 AM - 9 PM

Other nearby eateries (within a short drive) include:

  • Fredrico's Pizza - Located at 1349 East 700 North, open 11 AM - 9 PM
  • Aggie Chocolate Factory (single-source, specialty chocolate) - Located in the Blue Square at 1111 N 800 E, Suite A104
  • Pancho's Mexican Grill - located in the Blue Square at 1111 N 800 E
  • Numerous other dining options are available in Logan. Check Google for more options.

You can also use delivery services such as DoorDash, UberEats, etc. Use the address above and be sure to let the driver know exactly where to meet you. It helps to also mention the Taggart Student Center by name, as many drivers in the area will be familiar.


Judging Format

Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews: Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. Notebooks must be submitted no later than Friday, January 3 @ 11:59 PM.

Event Contact Information

Event Partner:

Joseph S. Furse, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor & Program Lead
Technology & Engineering Education
Utah State University
[email protected]

Judge Advisor & Secondary Contact:

Emily Ruesch, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Technology and Engineering Education
[email protected]