Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspirando estudiantes, un robot a la vez.

2024 Bear River Ice Cream Social

VEX V5 Robotics Competition, Blended HS/MS, Remote Engineering Notebooks

2-Nov-2024 Add to Calendar
Código de evento
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Tipo de evento
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Plazas disponibles
Event Region
Standard Registration Opens
9-Jul-2024 20:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
28-Oct-2024 16:00 EDT
Payment Deadline
25-Oct-2024 17:00 EDT
This event is closed to registration because:
  • It is past the registration deadline.

Información general

VEX competitions can be very engaging. We hold ours in our gymnasium where we can comfortably accommodate a lot of spectators. We try to create a friendly environment for spectators with reasonably priced refreshments, good visibility of the fields, and clear announcements of the winner of each match. Note: we serve only Dane Approved™ refreshments.

Register on Time

Anyone who has run a tournament knows that the sooner you have an accurate count of who is coming, the happier you are. Thank you to all who register early.

Digital Engineering Notebooks

All engineering notebooks need to be in digital format and submitted by 5:00 pm Mountain Time, Friday, October 25th.  Notebooks are submitted through the team's logins by one of the team's registered contacts- How to Submit a VRC Digital Notebook. Check your link to ensure it works properly. All teams will be interviewed by the judges, but only those who submit a digitial engineering notebook, on time, will be considered for the Excellence, Design, and Innovate awards. 

Competition Preparation

This event takes place early in the season; for many teams it will be their first competition of the year. We try very hard to keep the event moving smoothly. The best way for you to avoid problems is to arrive early enough to take care of any problems that may arise. All teams should come prepared to be inspected in a timely manner and to compete in their scheduled matches. Here are a few steps that every team should take to ensure that they are prepared.

1. Review the game rules and run through the inspection checklist about a week before the competition so that there is ample time for adjustments. The V-5 inspection checklist can be found here.

2. Check the official Q&A for the latest rule updates, changes, and clarifications.

3. Carefully read all of the information contained in the tournament posting on

4. Pack for the event the day before the day of departure. Here are a few items that you don't want to forget.
        Goggles/Safety Glasses
        Spare parts & tools
        Batteries and chargers
        Programming cable
        Power strip
        Laptop computer
5. Review the descriptions and criteria for the awards that are being given during the tournament. In particular the requirements for the Design Award figure into all of the judged awards that will be given at this tournament: Judges, Innovate, Design, and Excellence. There is a new Judging Guide out this year that you may want to take a look at. In particular, the Innovate Award is done a little differently than in previous years.

6. Prep for your interviews with the judges. Our judges will be practicing engineers who are willing to give up a Saturday to help with our competition.

8. Remember that safety comes first, please don't bring tools that pose a safety risk to your team, or others nearby as the venue is a tight fit. Also, remember no grinding or cutting in the gymnasium. We will have a station for grinding and cutting set up in the main entryway of the school.

9. Ensure that you have the latest version of firmware on your robot brain. Currently (June 2024) the most up to date version of VEXos is 1.1.3.

10. We will be using VEX Smart Field Control. Please ensure that you have your team number in your robot brain. See Smart Field Control – REC Library ( for details.

Participation and Consent Form

VEX Participation and Consent Forms only need be completed once per season. Instructions for the Participation and Consent form can be found at (You may have to copy and paste this link into your browser.)

Skills Challenges

Per REC Foundation guidelines, all teams will be allowed 3 Programming Skills attempts and 3 Driver Skills attempts. Attempts of one type that are not used are not transferable. With two dedicated Skills fields, there should be adequate time for each team to complete their allowed runs if they use the natural breaks in the qualification rounds to make their skills runs. The Skills fields will close at the conclusion of the Qualifying Matches. With the large number of teams that we anticipate, it will be a long day, and we don't want to make it any longer than necessary for those who have long distances to travel to get home.

T Shirts

We did Over Under T Shirts last year and they were well received, so we are workiing on a High Stakes T Chirt for this year. When they are available we will post a link for preoder.

Nivel académico : All

Concurso de habilidades de robots ofrecido: Sí

Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Fecha: 2-Nov-2024

Lugar / ubicación:
Bear River High School
1450 South Main Street
Garland, Utah 84312
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


  7:00AM — 8:30AM     Pits open, inspection and registration begins
  8:00AM — 2:15AM     Robot Skills and Programming Skills Challenge *
  8:30AM — 9:00AM     Drivers meeting
 9:00AM — 12:00PM    Qualifying matches
 9:00AM — 12:00PM    Interviews

12:00PM — 1:00PM      Lunch
  1:00PM — 2:15PM     Qualifying matches
  2:30PM — 2:45PM     Alliance selections
  2:45PM — 3:45PM     Tournament
  3:45PM — 4:00PM     Awards

This agenda should alllow 7 matches for team with a three minute cycle time between matches.

* Each team will be given a maximum of three attempts at the Robot Skills Challenge and three attempts at the Programming Skills Challenge. Attempts not used for one challenge are NOT transferable to the other challenge. The Skills Challenge will end when the qualifying matches end.


If you are interested in volunteering at this event please email Jeff Jensen: [email protected]

Política de emergencia/mal tiempo

If bad weather prevents you from attending, we will refund your net registration fee. (The $5.00 that comes off of the top and goes to RECF is not refundable.)

Refund and Payment Policies

If it becomes necessary for you to cancel, and you let us know before 4:00 pm Mountain Time on Wednesday, October 2nd, you will be given a full refund (less the $5.00 that stays with RECF). If you let us know after Wednesday the 2nd, but before Wednesday the 30th, we'll refund half your money. No refund for no shows.

Health and Safety Policies

Message from REC Foundation:

All approved events and event attendees are required to follow all local, state, federal, or any other government ordinances regarding COVID-19 safety procedures, social distancing, and best hygiene practices. Event hosts should continually assess, based on current government guidelines, whether to postpone, cancel, or significantly reduce the number of attendees when necessary.

Date: 2-Nov-2024
Bear River High School
1450 South Main Street
Garland, Utah 84312
United States

Información de viaje

If you are unfamiliar with the Tremonton area, the easiest way to find Bear River High School is to take I-15 Exit 381 and head due east for 1.5 miles until you come to the first traffic light. Turn right at the light, and you will pass in front of the school. The main parking lot is on the east side of the school, just past the main entrance. There is limited parking behind the school. Please don't park in no parking zones or fire lanes.




Judging Format

Judging will be Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews. Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks must be submitted digitally by providing a link to your digital notebook. Notebooks are submitted through the team's logins by one of the team's registered contacts- How to Submit a VRC Digital Notebook.This link must be submitted by 5:00 pm Mountain Time, Friday, October 25th.