On page 14 of the Guide to Judging, Judge Advisors are advised to "Confirm with the Event Partner that judging staff will have all appropriate and current judging materials and documents, including team lists and match sheets from the event’s Tournament Manager operator. These documents cannot be modified or replaced with unofficial versions." (bolding mine)
Is the supplementation of official documents with forms created by a JA allowable so long as such documents are used in conjunction with the original documents? Is there a point where supplementation is unacceptable? The following are examples of supplemental documents I've seen.
A flowchart reminding judges of the steps to conducting the interview, questions that the judge team has agreed upon, how to conclude the interview, and which official forms to fill out after the interview.
A rubric created by the JA for second interviews that lists the criteria for the specific award and place to score each criteria.
A rubric created by a JA for second interviews with suggested questions for specific awards and a place to score each answer to those questions.
A reference sheet breaking down the notebook rubric language, providing examples of what might constitute a minimal entry and what might be a fully developed entry, and listing some scoring considerations to use when differentiating teams.