Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspirando estudiantes, un robot a la vez.

1941: Not giving an Excellence award

Charles Sabatier (Event Partner)

Just clarifying, If a team meets all of the performance criteria and turns in a Notebook but the notebook is not in the top notebook rankings, then an Excellence award should not be awarded.

Answered by Competition Judging Committee


The Design Award is the foundational award for Excellence, as as such the first criteria for the Excellence Award is: "Be at or near the top of all Engineering Notebook Rubric rankings with a Fully Developed Notebook. "

Note the following guidance in the section entitled "Engineering Notebook Judging Process (page 26 of the Guide to Judging)

"Roughly the top 30% of Fully Developed notebooks will be in consideration for the Design, Excellence and Innovate awards. They may be initially ranked according to their rubric scores, then be re-ranked according to further qualitative evaluation by Judges."