Question:* The initial placement of the balls at the start of an LRT has the balls on the edge or outside the corrals. [...] This would mean that a "cleared" score would be automatic unless some of the balls were pushed into the corral.
This is incorrect. Here is the full text of the relevant definition, with a portion bolded for emphasis:
Starting Corral - One of two areas of the Floor on either end of the Field, each of which are bound by the Field perimeter and the outside of the solid black line closest to the 6’ edge of the Field. The Starting Corral is defined as this portion of the Floor, not the three-dimensional volume above it.
Per the bolded portion of the above definition, the six Balls which begin the Match on the black line intersections would be considered "in" the Starting Corral. This is also confirmed by the Note in LRT5:
<LRT5> In a Live Remote Match, each field is set up with twenty-two (22) Balls, as shown below in figure 22.
Note: The Balls on the “right” side of the Field, as depicted in Figure 22 or when viewed from the “audience side”, are considered in their Starting Corral. There is only one Starting Corral in a Live Remote Match.
Therefore, a "Cleared" score would only be counted once the definition of Cleared is met, at the end of the Match:
Cleared - A Starting Corral status. A Starting Corral is considered Cleared at the end of a Match if no Balls are contacting the Floor inside of the Starting Corral. Referees can check any Balls in question by sliding a piece of paper between the Ball and the Floor.
So, per the Note in LRT5, there is only one Starting Corral per field in an LRT Match. Per the layout shown in Figure 22, that Starting Corral begins with 6 Balls in it.