Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspirando estudiantes, un robot a la vez.

The Q&A is closed for the 2021-2022 season. Any rule changes or clarifications pertaining to the 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship will be included in the April 5 Game Manual Update. Teams attending VEX Worlds who wish to pre-submit questions for the driver's meeting should have received a contact form via email; if not, please contact your REC Foundation Team Engagement Manager for more information.

Official Q&A: VIQC 2021-2022: Pitching In

Usage Guidelines All Questions

934: Clarification on R1

Missy Luna (Event Partner)

According to <R1> teams may not have more than one robot. Additionally, in <R1a> teams may not participate with one robot while another is being modified or assembled. The clarification refers to use of a second robot diminishing "the efforts of a team that has spent extra design time making sure their one Robot can accomplish all of the game's tasks."

If iterative design and improvement is the goal, would teams be allowed to have a second robot at all? Is there a difference between what is allowed for "practice purposes" as opposed to during competition? Would creating and practicing with a second robot diminish the efforts of a team carefully assessing improvements, evaluating risk and potential benefit?

Answered by committee

The full text of the "blue box" at the end of <R1> reads as follows, with a portion bolded for emphasis:

The intent of <R1a>, <R1b>, and <R1c> are to ensure an unambiguous level playing field for all Teams. Teams are welcome (and encouraged) to improve or modify their Robots between events, or to collaborate with other Teams to develop the best possible game solution.

However, a Team who brings and / or competes with two separate Robots at the same tournament has diminished the efforts of a Team who spent extra design time making sure that their one Robot can accomplish all of the game’s tasks. Similarly, a multi-team organization that shares a single Robot has diminished the efforts of a multi-team organization who puts in the time, effort, and resources to undergo separate individual design processes and develop their own Robots.

To help determine if a robot is a “separate Robot” or not, use the Subsystem definitions found in <R1>. Above that, use common sense as referenced in <G3>. If you can place two complete and legal Robots on a table next to each other, then they are two separate Robots. Trying to decide if changing a pin, a wheel, or a motor constitutes a separate Robot is missing the intent and spirit of this rule.

Most Robot rules, including <R1>, are intended to apply within the context of a competition event. For example, <R1-a> is intended to prohibit competing with one Robot in a Match while a second Robot is being assembled in the Team pit area.

There are no rules prohibiting the use of a separate "practice Robot" between events, provided that no other rules are violated (namely, <R1-c>, <R2>, <G2>, etc).