Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspirando estudiantes, un robot a la vez.

The Q&A is closed for the 2021-2022 season. Any rule changes or clarifications pertaining to the 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship will be included in the April 5 Game Manual Update. Teams attending VEX Worlds who wish to pre-submit questions for the driver's meeting should have received a contact form via email; if not, please contact your REC Foundation Team Engagement Manager for more information.

Official Q&A: VIQC 2021-2022: Pitching In

Usage Guidelines All Questions

1074: Ball placement under the bar clarification


There is a discrepancy between the game manual and the field assembly instructions regarding the positioning of the balls that are under the bar. The game manual shows in Fig 2, 16, 17 & 18 the center of the ball in line with the edge of the bar. The field assembly instructions show the center of the bar in line with the center of the ball.

I am aware that <G16> Be prepared for minor field variance. Field tolerances may vary by as much as ±1” unless otherwise specified. Teams must design Robots accordingly.

However since the field assembly instructions and the game manual seem to disagree, I would appreciate if you could clarify the intended precise position of the ball.

Answered by committee

In short - the two images are depicting the same setup, and Balls are intended to be placed directly underneath the Hanging Bar. The two images were made using slightly different camera angles / rendering styles, and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

For stylistic reasons, the images in the the Game Manual are rendered with a slight amount of camera lens "perspective". The images found in the Field Appendix and Field Assembly Instructions are more "engineering"-style images, with a true perpendicular camera angle.

In most cases, this slight difference is unnoticeable / irrelevant. However, when comparing the two side-by-side (such as Figure 17 in the Game Manual, compared to page 67 of the Field Assembly Instructions), the following visual differences can be seen:

  • Whether or not you can see the inside edges of field walls
  • Whether or not you can see the inside edges of the panels surrounding the Low Goal
  • Whether or not you can see the inside edge of the brackets holding the Hanging Bar to the Field Perimeter