According to <R14c>, Teams may make the following modifications to the V5 Smart Motor’s user-serviceable features. This list is all-inclusive; no other modifications are permitted. Where applicable, the components listed below (in the specific applications listed below) are permissible exceptions to <R20>. (<R14>?)
- (does not apply to this Q&A)
- Removing or replacing the screws from the V5 Smart Motor Cap (276-6780).
- Removing or replacing the threaded mounting inserts (276-6781).
- Aesthetic/non-functional labeling (e.g., markers, stickers, paint, etc.)
<R14e> also states "For the purposes of this rule, the V5 Smart Motor Cap is not considered “part of the motor.” Therefore, <R15> applies."
Could you please clarify which (if any) of these rules also apply to the EXP smart motors?
Thank you