Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1930: Match load positions outside of field

Margaret Trent (Event Partner)

<G8><G8>I am not addressing a specific rule as much as clarification on where the match loads are supposed to be placed before and during a match.

In the game description it shows the team match loads positioned inside the alliance drive stations. As an EP we have trained our field setters to place the baskets holding the match loads in the drivers station.

My students along with many other teams have been moving the baskets outside the drivers station in order to keep their bodies in the driver station while match loading. This is to make it easier to reach the robots as they are touching the match load bar.

My concern is that the students body partially leaves the drivers station to retrieve a triball to match load. Is this a violation? i do not want the students to continue to practice match loading in this manner and then suddenly go to state or World's and be told it is a violation.

Can we get clarification please?

Answered by committee

We believe our responses to Q&A 1550 and Q&A 1858 apply to your question. In general, if the Team, Match Load Triballs, and anything provided by the Event Partner to contain those Triballs remain along the field wall in front of their Alliance Station and not around the corner, this is likely legal. At many events, referees are positioned at those corners, and Teams may have to adapt slightly to provide space for them alongside the field.