<G16>Dear Game Design Committee, Many robot chassis in China has a ramp structure used for pushing triballs over the middle barrier. However, many teams have also started using this structure to push over opponent robots.According to <G16>,lifting opponent robots is illegal.During competitions, it uses this ramp structure to force the opponent’s robot wheels off the ground as shown in photos , or even flip over the opposite robot. Is this compliant with the rules? If not, how is it penalized?
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under
1868: A robot with ramp structure tipping over opponent robots, is it legal?
Using any part of the Robot, including a ramp structure like the one shown in your images, to lift an opponent Robot for longer than a 5-count is a Violation of rule <G16>. Per the definition of Holding, Lifting is a type of Holding in which a Robot is "Controlling an opponent’s movements by raising or tilting the opponent’s Robot off of the foam tiles." Per rule <G16>:
A Robot may not Hold an opposing Robot for more than a 5-count during the Driver Controlled Period.
Match Affecting or repeated Violations of rule <G16> should be considered a Major Violation and result in a Match DQ.
Using any part of the Robot, including a ramp structure like the one shown in your images, to intentionally tip or flip an opponent Robot is a Violation of rule <G13>, specifically clause b:
VRC Over Under is also intended to be an interactive game. Some incidental tipping, Entanglement, and damage may occur as a part of normal gameplay without violation. It will be up to the Head Referee’s discretion whether the interaction was incidental or intentional.
As described in the Violation Notes for <G13>, intentional or egregious Violations may be considered a Major Violation and result in a Match DQ at the Head Referee's discretion. Match Affecting or repeated Violations should also be considered a Major Violation and result in a Match DQ.