Hello, Reading through <SG5>, we can see that in the attached note, "Lifting the net structure in an attempt to add or remove Triballs is considered a Violation of <SG5>", recently QA1684 had highlighted that pretty much all VRC rules are only intended to apply to one Team / Robot.
Given that lifting the net without adding or removing triballs is a legal action as per the note and shooting triballs is also a legal action, by this logic one robot may lift the net structure to open a goal for another robot to shoot directly into it.
In regards to <G3>, there are no obvious typographical errors, and no rule is prohibiting this action and we are assuming that as it stands it is currently legal, given that there was leeway left for the net to be opened provided no triballs were added or removed, would it be correct to assume that this is not governed by <G3>?
Assuming that this is logic is sound, we would like to ask the following:
Provided that a robot does not contact the net, and lifts the net only by contacting the net structure, Is the strategy described above legal in VRC and VEXU?
In regards to the above, I want to also clarify how this would relate to QA1685, in which it is stated that in safety or damage related circumstances robots may be disabled in the autonomous period, leading on to the following question:
If a net is open, it may lead to unanticipated risks of entanglement and damage to the field in autonomous, should robots that are heading in the direction of an open goal in the autonomous period be disabled before contact?
Lastly, regardless of whether a net was opened strategically or not, in the event that a net is open, how should triballs be considered scored in the following scenarios?
- Triballs within the PVC pipes that are no longer underneath the net, as per <SC3>:
at least (2) corners of the Triball are within the Goal (i.e., are under the Net and have "broken the plane" of the outer edge of the PVC pipes that define the goal volume.
Therefore, when a net has been opened, as the triballs are no longer underneath the net (but within the PVC pipes), are they considered scored in the goal? Based on Figure 24 under <SC3>, it is shown that two corners are in the goal, not underneath the net and considered scored. Would it be correct to assume that triballs still count, and that they are not physically required to be under the new location of the net. 2. If the net is open, would triballs underneath the open net be considered scored? Would the PVC pipes of the net structure be an extension of the "within the PVC pipes" part of <SC3>?
Cheers and thank you for your time, Southern Hemi-Spencer