Many robots contain mechanisms intended to elevate their robot on the Horizontal Elevation Bar. This is considered to be a "pull up hang" as the robot moves a piece of C-channel, or plastic above the elevation bar, and then applies torque to bring the C-Channel or plastic down into the robot, therefore bringing the robot off of the ground. <SG11> states that "Robots may not contact opposing robots who are contacting their elevation bars" Our team would like a clarification on this rule within a scenario that we witnessed at a competition.
An elevating robot using this "pull up hang" requires moving over the bar (not touching it) and then pulling down (touching it). While not touching the bar, an opposing robot can very easily push them out of the way and negate their hang entirely. Images are provided below for clarity:
Is this legal for the red robot to do?, as they are stopping the Blue robot from elevating, even though the blue robot is not touching the bar.
Thank you for your time