<G16> No Holding for more than a 5-count. A Robot may not Hold an opposing Robot for more than a 5-count during the Driver Controlled Period.
A Holding count is over when at least one of the following conditions is met: a. The two Robots are separated by at least two (2) feet (approximately one foam tile). b. Either Robot has moved at least two (2) feet away (approximately 1 tile) from the location where the Trapping or Pinning count began. i. In the case of Lifting, this location is measured from where the Lifted Robot is released, not from where the Lifting began.
Holding - A Robot status. A Robot is considered to be Holding if it meets any of the following criteria during a Match:
• Lifting - Controlling an opponent’s movements by raising or tilting the opponent’s Robot off of the foam tiles.
Does a Holding count end if a Lifted Robot is no longer being Lifted but both Robots are still within 2 feet from where the Lift Robot was released?